Montreal Gazette

A doctor explains why he might leave Quebec

- John Bray is an obstetrici­an-gynecologi­st. He lives in Beaconsfie­ld.

Re: “So much for working to end the doctor shortage” (Editorial, Nov. 19)

The charter of values (or the Charter of Pants, as it is called fittingly by Don Macpherson) will affect not only the recruitmen­t of new and foreign-trained physicians desperatel­y needed in our understaff­ed system, but will profoundly affect the decisions of many already establishe­d physicians to continue to stay and practise in the province.

I have practised as a specialist in Quebec for 32 years. I was born here, educated here, graduated from McGill medical school in 1976 and was one of the first anglophone profession­als required to submit to a written and oral Frenchlang­uage test during my internship in 1976-77, which I passed successful­ly. I have utilized my knowledge of the French language very willingly and happily on a daily basis (roughly 30 per cent of my day). I have never encountere­d a problem.

Now Quebecers are facing a very serious, threatenin­g problem with this charter, which very cleverly may ultimately lead to a PQ victory in the upcoming election and a subsequent referendum, which may be won solely on the basis of reduced numbers of “No” voters, many of whom will have been chased away by this current frenzy of nationalis­m and xenophobia.

Sadly, I may be one of those who leaves. I cannot see myself and my family remaining in a Quebec ruled by Premier Pauline Marois’s separatist­s and those who would vote for her. When a homegrown bilingual Quebec profession­al such as myself, who has remained here through all the trials and tribulatio­ns of the past 50 years, decides to leave, then the province has a much bigger problem than that to which your editorial alludes.

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