Montreal Gazette

Number of rapes in India has grown

One year after 23-year-old student was killed, her family says societal attitudes haven’t changed


NEW DELHI — Women in India will never be safe until society changes its attitudes, the father of the Delhi gang-rape victim said on the anniversar­y of the assault that killed her.

His daughter, who became known as Nirbhaya, or The Fearless One, was gang raped, beaten with rods and left for dead after she boarded a bus home from the cinema with a male friend on Dec. 16 last year.

She died from her injuries 13 days later.

The savagery of the attack and the determinat­ion of the victim, a 23-year-old physiother­apy student, to survive and bring her rapists to justice provoked protests throughout India and national soul searching.

But one year after the incident, the victim’s family is still deep in grief and fearful for India’s women, who they say remain in danger.

“As long as the mindset of the society will not change, women can never be safe out on the roads. … Every other day cases of rape and sexual harassment are getting reported; where is the change? I don’t see any change,” her father said.

The number of female tourists to India slumped in the wake of the horrific attack, as the scale of rapes and sexual assaults in the country began to emerge.

The case led to a reform of rape and sexual assault laws and tougher penalties for those convicted.

But the disappoint­ment of the victim’s family is shared by human rights groups and women’s equality campaigner­s, who said reported rape cases have neverthele­ss increased and new fast-track court trials for sexual assaults have yet to act as a deterrent.

The campaign group Action Aid revealed new figures which showed rapes had doubled in the capital since the attack and the number of sexual assaults had quadrupled. Rapes had increased from 706 last year to 1,330 in the first 9½ months of 2013.

 ?? SAM PANTHAKY/ AFP/GETTY IMAGES ?? Indian students and activists hold a memorial on the eve of the one-year anniversar­y of the gang-rape and murder of a 23-year-old student.
SAM PANTHAKY/ AFP/GETTY IMAGES Indian students and activists hold a memorial on the eve of the one-year anniversar­y of the gang-rape and murder of a 23-year-old student.

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