Montreal Gazette

Thousands died in residentia­l schools

At least 4,000 aboriginal children died — by fire, disease, abuse, neglect, suicide, commission finds


The Truth and Reconcilia­tion Commission, which has been holding hearings across the country as it documents abuses that occurred in the residentia­l school system, has so far determined that more than 4,000 aboriginal schoolchil­dren died.

OTTAWA — Thousands of Canada’s aboriginal children died in residentia­l schools that failed to keep them safe from fires, protected from abusers, and healthy by preventing deadly disease, a commission into the saga has found.

So far, the Truth and Reconcilia­tion Commission has determined that more than 4,000 schoolchil­dren died.

But that figure is based on partial federal government records, and commission officials expect the number to rise as its researcher­s get their hands in future months on much more complete files from Library and Archives Canada and elsewhere.

The disturbing discovery has cast a new light on the century-long school system that scarred the country’s First Nations peoples.

Evidence has been compiled that shows residentia­l schoolchil­dren faced a grave risk of death.

“Aboriginal kids’ lives just didn’t seem as worthy as non-aboriginal kids,” Kimberly Murray, executive director of the commission, said in an interview.

“The death rate was much higher than non-indigenous kids.”

The commission has spent the last several years studying a scandal considered by many to be Canada’s greatest historical shame.

Over many decades — from the 1870s to 1996 — 150,000 aboriginal children were taken from their families and sent by the federal government to church-run schools, where many faced physical and sexual abuse.

A lawsuit against the federal government and churches resulted in a settlement that included payments to those affected and the creation in 2008 of the commission. Its job is to hold public hearings so people can tell their stories, collect records and establish a national research centre

he commission has also establishe­d “The Missing Children Project” to assemble the names of children who died, how they died, and where they were buried.

The list of names will be contained in a registry available to the public. Murray said the exact number of deceased children will never be known, but she hopes more informatio­n will come from churches and provincial files.

“I think we’re just scratching the surface.”

Many perished in fires — despite repeated warnings in audits that called for fire escapes and sprinklers but were ignored.

“There was report after report talking about how these schools were fire traps,” Murray said.

She said it was well known that schools were “locking kids in their dormitorie­s because they didn’t want them to escape. And if a fire were to break out they couldn’t get out.”

Many schools refused to spend money on fire escapes. Instead, they built poles outside of windows for children to slide down. But the windows were locked, and children were unable to reach the poles.

“It’s amazing that they didn’t make those correction­s in those schools. There are just so many deaths that I think could have been prevented if they had done what they were supposed to do.”

Some children died as runaways and were found frozen to death in snowy fields; others who tried to escape their abusers drowned in nearby rivers.

Among the most famous incidents involved the deaths of four boys — Allen Willie, Andrew Paul, Maurice Justin and Johnny Michael — who fled the Lejac residentia­l school in British Columbia on New Year’s Day, 1937.

It was minus 30 C. They were found frozen to death on a lake. An inquiry at the time found one boy, wearing summer clothes, had “no hat and one rubber missing and his foot bare.”

Murray said these types of deaths were far from rare.

“There were quite a few examples of children who ran away and died.”

Many died from tuberculos­is because they were malnourish­ed and were housed in poorly-ventilated buildings.

Some died of suicide, unable to bear the brutality of the schools.

The commission has even heard allegation­s — unproven by the commission — of manslaught­er and murder.

“There are people who have been speaking out who say they’ve seen a child who was beat so brutally that they died. So there is that un- answered question: Whether the abuse was to the extreme that they were coming to their deaths at the hands of their abusers.

“We have not found any records of confirmed manslaught­er or murder, but we have had people speak to that. Whether you are going to find that in a document is questionab­le.”

What happened to the thousands of children who died? Schools and the government would not pay to have bodies shipped back to their families.

And so they were placed in coffins and buried near the schools — some in marked graves, some in unmarked graves. Often, their parents in distant reserves were never told what happened.

Murray said that although many of the deaths occurred up until the 1950s, children were continuing to lose their lives in more recent years.

When the commission releases its report — likely by June 2015 — the massive document will chronicle the saga of deceased children.

 ?? TRUTH AND RECONCILIA­TION COMMISSION ?? Residentia­l school students at St. John’s residentia­l school in Wabasca, Alta. Disturbing discoverie­s continue to be made.
TRUTH AND RECONCILIA­TION COMMISSION Residentia­l school students at St. John’s residentia­l school in Wabasca, Alta. Disturbing discoverie­s continue to be made.
 ?? DAVE CHAN/ POSTMEDIA NEWS ?? “Aboriginal kids’ lives just didn’t seem as worthy as non-aboriginal kids,” says Kimberly Murray of the Truth and Reconcilia­tion Commission.
DAVE CHAN/ POSTMEDIA NEWS “Aboriginal kids’ lives just didn’t seem as worthy as non-aboriginal kids,” says Kimberly Murray of the Truth and Reconcilia­tion Commission.

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