Montreal Gazette

Homeless and cops


With temperatur­es in Montreal nearing -30 C on Thursday, a police officer was caught on video telling an apparently homeless man that “I’ll tie you to a pole for an hour.” The officer will face disciplina­ry action, police confirmed, and late Thursday, Mayor Denis Coderre tweeted: “The words of the police officer were unacceptab­le.”

The lack of respect and dignity that some — not all — officers seem to have is really disturbing and unethical. The first thing any human should have done was provide this man with some sort of clothing. What’s even more sad is that the other officer in the car said nothing. I can list several things the officers in Montreal have done that have helped our city, but I can give you another list for what they have done wrong, and that needs to change.

Afifah Chaudhry

Let’s not jump to conclusion­s. The article said that the police had received several calls saying the man had been aggressive. The police officer would never have actually tied him to a pole, he was just trying to scare some sense into him. If the guy hit your mother or sister for not giving him money, maybe your opinion would not be the same. The officer was never physically violent, he was in complete control of his emotions. Could he have found a better way? Perhaps. But empathy, reason and compassion do not always work with unreasonab­le people. Having fed the homeless often in my life, I can tell you that sometimes you have to just stand your ground.

Luigi Pomponi

The guy was outside in temperatur­es nearing -40 with the wind chill, in a T-shirt. If you think you wouldn’t get aggressive, then kudos to you — I’d probably panic. … Guess it’s an idea for everyone to bring extra jackets or sweaters, gloves, scarves and tuques, etc. into the city in case we find someone in need. Have a bag packed at the door for these poor people.

Corey-Ross Miles

A cop makes a silly threat to a homeless man deemed “aggressive” on four separate calls, and the world goes crazy. Did he do it? No. Would he have done it? I’m convinced he wouldn’t, it’s just an

» empty threat. People need to relax, and in case anyone thinks I’m being immoral — please just consider that’s probably how 90 per cent of our population raise our own kids. Empty threats to scare them into behaving. Carry on, people, stop hating on the police all the time.

Dario D’Aversa

Good parents don’t threaten their kids and good cops shouldn’t threaten unarmed people, whatsoever. For once I’m happy with the Facebook crew’s reaction — this cop should not be on the force. Without this video he wouldn’t have any consequenc­es.

Joey Juju

Arrest him and put him in the car where it is warm. Take him to the police station if he is aggressive.

Nancy Erika V

I have been approached by a man like this on the street. He got really aggressive when I wouldn’t give him money, he threatened me, and not gently. If this guy treated people like that, then he is probably known to police and needed to be put in his place. Granted the words were harsh, but if he had been aggressive with you or your daughter, I am sure your words would not have been gentle.

Lillian Roy

Can’t believe that in 2014, society still does nothing about the homeless. This situation is tragic and shows a lack of respect for human lives. Obviously the police are not properly trained to deal with such situations. I hope that Montreal Mayor Denis Coderre will tackle this problem in the near future. It is an obligation for our government to come forward and help the most vulnerable.

Marie-Luce Beaulieu

He’s a police officer. It’s his responsibi­lity to take care of any situation properly, not threaten the man, especially not knowing his mental state. What if the man wasn’t in the right frame of mind? Couldn’t a threat set him off ? If the officer was not equipped to handle that situation properly, he should have found someone who was.

Fawn Parker

He should be charged for the verbal threat and made an example of. Cops should be penalized double for any offence they commit since they are supposed to be trusted to enforce the law.

Dan Des

You do not know the life this guy lived, or his misfortune­s. Someone like that needs someone to care about him.

Nicoletta Mesher

It’s very disappoint­ing and terrifying at the same time. The new generation of police seem to have this sense of superiorit­y and have a nasty tendency to abuse their power. I and people I know have had a few problems with young male police officers. I feel it’s no longer innocent until proven guilty, but “here’s the ticket or arrest, accept it or waste your time fighting it in court.”

Christophe­r Rhoden

Very sad. Being a police officer is not a fun job, but it comes with responsibi­lity. Police sometimes say stupid things, which is great for selling papers — just ask Rob Ford.

Cheryl Lowe

Cop threatens to tie a homeless man to a pole. Fortunatel­y when a cop does something wrong, it’s an isolated incident.


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