Montreal Gazette

Silencing the online noise

GOOGLE, HUFFINGTON POST and Popular Science are among the websites seeking ways to subdue anonymous vitriol


Mix blatant bigotry with poor spelling. Add a dash of ALL CAPS. Top it off with a violent threat. And there you have it: a recipe for the worst of online comments, scourge of the Internet.

Blame anonymity, blame politician­s, blame human nature. But a growing number of websites are reining in the Wild West of online commentary. Companies including Google and Huffington Post are trying everything from deploying moderators to forcing people to use their real names to restore civil discourse. Some sites, such as Popular Science, are banning comments altogether.

The efforts put sites in a delicate position. User comments add a lively, fresh feel to videos, stories and music. And, of course, the longer visitors stay to read the posts, and the more they come back, the more a site can charge for advertisin­g.

What websites don’t want is the kind of off-putting nastiness that spewed forth under a recent article about the Affordable Care Act.

“If it were up to me, you progressiv­e libs destroying this country would be hanging from the gallows for treason. People are awakening though. If I were you, I’d be very afraid,” wrote someone using the name “JBlaze.”

YouTube, which is owned by Google, has l ong been home to some of the Internet’s most juvenile and grammatica­lly incorrect comments. The site caused a stir last month when it began requiring people to log into Google Plus to write a comment. Besides herding users to Google’s unified net- work, the company says the move is designed to raise the level of discourse in the conversati­ons that play out under YouTube videos.

One such video, a Cheerios commercial featuring an interracia­l family, met with such a barrage of racist responses on YouTube in May that General Mills shut down comments on it altogether.

“Starting this week, when you’re watching a video on YouTube, you’ll see comments sorted by people you care about first,” YouTube product manager Nundu Janakiram and principal engineer Yo- natan Zunger wrote in a blog post announcing the changes. “If you post videos on your channel, you also have more tools to moderate welcome and unwelcome conversati­ons. This way, YouTube comments will become conversati­ons that matter to you.”

Anonymity has always been a major appeal of online life. Two decades ago, The New Yorker magazine ran a cartoon with a dog sitting in front of a computer, one paw on the keyboard. The caption read: “On the Internet, nobody knows you’re a dog.” At its best, anonymity allows people to speak freely without repercussi­ons. It allows whistleblo­wers and protesters to espouse unpopular opinions. At its worst, it allows people to spout off without repercussi­ons. It gives trolls and bullies licence to pick arguments, threaten and abuse.

But anonymity has been eroding in recent years. On the Internet, many people may know not only your name, but also your latest musings, the songs you’ve listened to, your job history, who your friends are and even the brand of soap you prefer.

“It’s not so much that our off-line lives are going online, it’s that our offline and online lives are more integrated,” said Mark Lashley, a professor of communicat­ions at La Salle University in Philadelph­ia. Facebook, which requires people to use their real names, played a big part in the seismic shift.

“The way the web was developed, it was unique in that the avatar and the handle were always these things people used to go by. It did develop into a Wild West situation,” he said, adding that it’s no surprise that Google and other companies are going this route. “As more people go online and we put more of our lives online, we should be held accountabl­e for things we say.”

Nearly three-quarters of teens and young adults think people are more likely to use discrimina­tory language online or in text messages than in face-to-face conversati­ons, according to a recent poll from the Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research and MTV. The poll didn’t distinguis­h between anonymous comments and those with real names attached.

Huffington Post is also clamping down on vicious comments. In addition to employing 40 human moderators who sift through readers’ posts for racism, homophobia, hate speech and the like, the AOL-owned news site is also chipping away at anonymous commenting. Previously, anyone could respond to an article posted on the site by creating an account, without tying it to an email address. This fall, HuffPo began requiring people to verify their identity by connecting their accounts to an email address.

“We are reaching a place where the Internet is growing up,” said Jimmy Soni, managing editor of HuffPo. “These changes represent a maturing (online) environmen­t.”

This doesn’t mean that people have to use their names when commenting. But Soni said the changes have already made a difference in the quality of the comments. The lack of total anonymity, while not a failsafe method, offers people a “gut-check moment,” he said. There have been “significan­tly fewer things that we would not be able to share with our mothers” in the HuffPo comments section since the change, Soni said.

 ?? AFP/GETTY IMAGES FILES ?? Edvard Munch may have painted his masterpiec­e, The Scream, more than a century ago, well before the Internet, but it does a good job of depicting today’s online environmen­t, where anonymous comments can be shrill and nasty.
AFP/GETTY IMAGES FILES Edvard Munch may have painted his masterpiec­e, The Scream, more than a century ago, well before the Internet, but it does a good job of depicting today’s online environmen­t, where anonymous comments can be shrill and nasty.

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