Montreal Gazette

Robots saved many a sci-fi flick in 2013


Hollywood has some tried-andtested methods for livening up dull screenplay­s.

To add mystery, just have a bus pass in front of a character, who turns out to have vanished during the drive-by.

Need a comic sting? Have someone throw an item off-screen, and add the sound of an angry cat being hit by it.

The year 2013 had an all-purpose film fixer-upper, giant robots. They were everywhere. Occasional­ly they were the movie’s raison d’être. Without the monstrous Jaegers in Guillermo del Toro’s Pacific Rim, humanity would have quickly become snack food for interdimen­sional invaders.

Iron Man 3 was also predicated on the man-in-the-giant-robot-suit concept, with Robert Downey Jr. reprising his role as Tony Stark.

The problem is that while the first Iron Man featured just two biomechani­cal suits — one for Stark and one for the villain — the sequels have started churning them out like a Ford assembly line.

Superheroe­s just can’t leave the robo-suits alone. In The Wolverine, Hugh Jackman must put up his dukes against the Silver Samurai, a self-propelled giant suit of armour that is also made of the fictional element adamantium. (And not silver?)

In Elysium, Matt Damon’s character has to have robo-appendages bolted to his rapidly decaying body in order to take on the evil powers that rule Earth. The resulting superstren­gth lets him take on the police force, which are — you guessed it — robocops.

Even animated stories couldn’t escape the wrath of giant robots last year. In Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs 2, the good guys win the day with the help of giant laser-shooting exo-suits.

The concept is not new. James Cameron had Sigourney Weaver step into an exo-suit to fight the extraterre­strial queen back in 1986 in Aliens.

And he dusted off the suit for 2009’s Avatar. They’ve also appeared in 2009’s G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra, 1997’s Batman & Robin, and a few others.

But we seem to have reached a tipping point in which the giant robot is a given, a plot element to be argued against rather than for.

Look what 2014 has in store. February will see the release of RoboCop, a remake of the 1987 action movie in which the hero was, memorably: “Part Man. Part Machine. All Cop.”

June delivers the futuristic thriller Edge of Tomorrow, with Tom Cruise and Emily Blunt both delivering performanc­es from within powered suits of armour.

 ?? 20TH CENTURY FOX ?? Hugh Jackman has to fight a giant suit of armour in The Wolverine.
20TH CENTURY FOX Hugh Jackman has to fight a giant suit of armour in The Wolverine.

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