Montreal Gazette

Vegetarian­s and carnivores can coexist at the dinner table with a little ingenuity.

Vegetarian­s or vegans and omnivores can learn to coexist at the dinner table with some ingenuity and ‘gentle compromise’


Sometimes the cook will prepare two versions of the same dish: one for the vegetarian­s and one for the omnivores.

Outside, the Montreal night was wickedly cold. But snug in the kitchen of their inviting Point-St-Charles condo, Alli Carr and fiancé Michael Engels were preparing a dinner that brought to mind balmy Mediterran­ean breezes. There was homemade hummus and a chopped vegetable salad with fresh mint and tahini dressing. Lima beans simmered on the stove in a fragrant sauce of tomatoes, garlic and oregano, and eggplant halves that had been roasted with fresh coriander, garlic, turmeric, chili flakes, lemon and olive oil were topped with warm bulgur boosted with mint and toasted slivered almonds.

In a final flourish, Carr drizzled spooned sour cream over the bulgur. Vegan sour cream. Carr has been vegan for more than 13 of her 32 years. Engels, 34, is an omnivore who loves a good steak. But he also loves Carr. At home, they eat mainly vegan fare, although he occasional­ly barbecues meat or chicken for himself.

“He chooses to continue to eat meat — and that is his choice,” Carr said. One thing, though: Together, they decided that the only meat they’d buy would be factory farm-free, organic and local.

Carr, who’d originally wanted for no meat to be brought into the home, calls it “a gentle compromise.”

Gentle compromise is one way to describe how the dozen or so families who spoke to The Gazette handle mealtime when there are vegetarian­s or vegans sitting down to eat with omnivores. Reasonable accommodat­ion is another.

Sometimes the cook will prepare two versions of the same dish: one for the vegetarian­s and one for the omnivores. Stéfany Corey, for instance, uses lentils in place of meat for the bolognese sauce she makes for her children, Sacha Dutton, 10, and Lily, 5, who are vegetarian. Her partner’s three children are “major carnivores,” although she did note that there are times when everyone has the vegetarian sauce.

Other times there are two separate main courses — a meat main for the meat eaters and a vegetarian main for the others.

Lola Flomen, 17, doesn’t eat meat. “So if I am making steak for dinner, I make her tuna or a frittata,” said her mother, Eden PolanskyFl­omen.

If she is preparing spaghetti and meat sauce for the rest of the family, she’ll prepare a meat-free sauce, like a tomato-cream sauce, for Lola. Or she might prepare a portobello mushroom lasagna, which serves as a main course for Lola and a side for the rest of the family.

What often happens is that the omnivores in the family end up eating more vegetarian or vegan fare and less meat.

“I am not a preacher,” Carr said. “And I don’t ask Michael not to eat meat in front of me. But in the house, he is happy to eat vegan much of the time.”

Sitting down to the Mediterran­ean dinner they’d prepared the other night, Engels said: “When we eat like this, I don’t wish we had a piece of chicken.”

Before the couple moved in together, Engels figures he ate meat or fish virtually every day. “Now I eat less. I might have a hard time with eating no meat. But Alli does most of the cooking and, because her food is so good, I am happy to eat it.”

Orysia Krywiak’s older daughter, 17-year-old Leneya Valenti, has been vegetarian since Grade 6.

“I would impose chicken on her occasional­ly, especially when she was younger and growing and active in sports,” she said. “But I love to cook vegetables, lentils, beans and rice, so it was not difficult for me to adapt when she stopped eating meat.”

Now Krywiak herself, never a big meat eater, has decided to give it up altogether. A couple of years ago, she read The China Study, a bestsellin­g book that looks at the relationsh­ip between consuming animal products and such chronic illnesses as heart disease and certain cancers, “and thought ‘We really don’t need all that animal protein in our diet.’ And the way so much of our food is produced is just sickening.”

For her younger daughter, 14-year-old Pascale, “the carnivore of the family, the past year has been quite a transition,” she said. “I buy her a steak occasional­ly — she is still growing — but rarely. We do eat a little bit of chicken occasional­ly, and I only buy organic.”

Once in a while, they have salmon. But Krywiak has embraced new vegetarian recipes with enthusiasm. “I have great cookbooks and always talk about good food with the kids.”

“There’s a butternut squash dish with pecans on farro that we just love,” she said. She serves it with a side salad of finely sliced Granny Smith apple, pumpkin seeds and shredded romaine lettuce.

“And I have a wonderful quinoa recipe, which I make with chickpeas and veggies and nuts,” she said. “Lots of colour, crunch and flavour in our meals.” Lots of prep time, too. “You have to eat your proteins and grains,” Krywiak said. “You have to make the vegetables interestin­g. You have to take the time to learn what to do. It is not a quick fix. You know what? Eating properly is not a quick thing ... but I want my daughters to be aware of it and eat less crap and take with them what they will.”

It was gratifying to her when, a couple of months ago, Pascale said, “You know, Mom, this is really yummy. I don’t mind that we’re not eating meat. I like what you’re making.”

Anita Gottesman and her husband, Ron, are omnivores; their 23-year-old daughter, Arielle, the youngest of their three children and the only one still at home, is vegetarian.

“It’s really not hard to accommodat­e, except that veggie dishes can be much more labour intensive and require more planning,” Anita said.

Sometimes she prepares dishes like quiche and pasta, which they all eat. And if she is making a meal that will include meat, “I always have at

“You have to make the vegetables interestin­g ... Eating properly is not a quick thing.”


least one ‘meaty’ vegetable dish — either a hearty soup or a side of cauliflowe­r.” If they’re having burgers, Arielle will have a veggie burger. Or she’ll create a dish for herself, using such ingredient­s as eggs, spinach and avocado.

Brandee Sarid, a yoga teacher and the lone vegetarian in her family of five, places a premium in getting as much fresh food as possible on the table. “I always have lots of vegetarian options — and a little meat. I try to instil, to the best of my ability, healthy eating habits for my kids.

“I make tons of vegetable dishes, and t wo to three nights a week prepare a small piece of meat protein, either chicken breasts for them or shepherd’s pie.”

There’s always some type of cooked whole grain in the fridge and the kids, aged 16, 14 and 8, “are really into eating vegetables.”

Her husband does not share her enthusiasm for healthy food, mind you. “I am brown bread — and my husband is white bread,” she said. “I have to take into considerat­ion that he won’t eat brown rice or quinoa ... so I make a fresh cup of white rice as well.”

For Annetta Black, pasta was the initial default when it came to feeding her vegetarian daughters.

But that has changed. “There has definitely been an evolution,” said 19-yearold Sivan Black-Rotchin, who has been vegetarian since she was five. Her 17-year-old sister, Sidney, is also a longtime vegetarian. A third sister, Tamar, was vegetarian until recently.

These days, quinoa and beans and kale salad have taken the place of pasta.

Although Black and her husband, Glen Rotchin, both eat meat, she usually cooks vegetarian at least four nights of the week.

Once a week, Black buys meat, usually chicken, and prepares it for her husband and for her youngest daughter, 9-year-old Eden. It usually lasts through the weekend. Monday through Thursday, she usually prepares vegetarian meals.

Typically, Black prepares two main dishes: One January night, for instance, there was a spinach-chickpea stew with rice and a broccoli and cheese noodle pie, along with a kale salad.

“If we’re going to eat properly, it’s two hours to prepare dinner,” she said.

Invariably, though, someone is not entirely satisfied, she said.

“Everybody would happily eat homemade pizza or quesadilla­s every night — but the challenge for me is to make healthy vegetarian meals that aren’t pasta- and breadbased.”

 ?? JOHN KENNEY/ THE GAZETTE ?? Alli Carr and Michael Engels prepare bulgur topping for roasted eggplant, which they’ll have as part of a Mediterran­ean vegan meal.
JOHN KENNEY/ THE GAZETTE Alli Carr and Michael Engels prepare bulgur topping for roasted eggplant, which they’ll have as part of a Mediterran­ean vegan meal.
 ?? PETER MCCABE/ THE GAZETTE ?? Annetta Black, second from right, serves dinner to daughters (from left) Eden, Sivan and Sidney Black-Rotchin. Sivan and Sidney are strict vegetarian­s.
PETER MCCABE/ THE GAZETTE Annetta Black, second from right, serves dinner to daughters (from left) Eden, Sivan and Sidney Black-Rotchin. Sivan and Sidney are strict vegetarian­s.
 ??  ??
 ?? PHOTOS: JOHN KENNEY/ THE GAZETTE ?? Fixings for a bulgur-topped eggplant dish that will be part of a Mediterran­ean vegan meal at the home of Alli Carr, a vegan, and fiancé and omnivore Michael Engels. “In the house, he is happy to eat vegan much of the time,” Carr says of Engels.
PHOTOS: JOHN KENNEY/ THE GAZETTE Fixings for a bulgur-topped eggplant dish that will be part of a Mediterran­ean vegan meal at the home of Alli Carr, a vegan, and fiancé and omnivore Michael Engels. “In the house, he is happy to eat vegan much of the time,” Carr says of Engels.
 ??  ?? Alli Carr and Michael Engels sit down to a Mediterran­ean vegan meal they prepared together: homemade hummus, roasted eggplant with bulgur, herbs and vegan sour cream, chopped salad with a tahini dressing and lima beans in tomato and garlic.
Alli Carr and Michael Engels sit down to a Mediterran­ean vegan meal they prepared together: homemade hummus, roasted eggplant with bulgur, herbs and vegan sour cream, chopped salad with a tahini dressing and lima beans in tomato and garlic.

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