Montreal Gazette

Just don’t touch this wire

PAKISTANI PAKISTANI SCHOOL SCHOOL teaches troops how to detect hidden bombs


Militants in Pakistan have found clever ways to hide homemade bombs. They’ve been strapped to children’s bicycles, hidden inside water jugs and even hung in tree branches. But the most shocking place that Brig. Basim Saeed has heard of such a device being planted was inside a hollowed-out book made to look like a Qur’an.

A soldier who went to pick up the book from the floor was killed when it exploded.

“Normally if that book is lying somewhere on the floor, you tend to pick it up immediatel­y just for respect,” said Saeed, the chief instructor at a school training Pakistani forces how to detect the so-called improvised explosive devices, which have become increasing­ly popular in wars in Iraq, Afghanista­n and the insurgency in Pakistan’s northwest, near the Afghan border.

Saeed and other instructor­s at the military’s Counter IED, Explosives and Munitions School say it is important to constantly come up with new ways to prevent such homemade bombs because that’s exactly what the militants are doing.

“Terrorists are also very brainy,” Saeed said. “They are using different techniques to defeat our efforts also. So we need to be very proactive.”

The Pakistani military has ramped up efforts to deal with such devices in recent years as they have emerged as the militants’ preferred weapon. About 4,040 soldiers from the army and Frontier Corps have been killed and more than 13,000 wounded in the war on militants in the country’s northwest since 2002, according to the Pakistani military. The homemade bombs account for most of the casualties.

The U.S. military, which in the past has said Pakistan hasn’t done enough to restrict the use of certain fertilizer­s used in bombs in Pakistan and targeting foreign and government troops in Afghanista­n, welcomed the bomb squad school, which opened in 2012 on a base in the northweste­rn city of Risalpur.

“We’re very encouraged by the efforts that we understand the Pakistanis are taking there,” said the head of the Pentagon’s Joint IED Defeat Organizati­on, Lt.-Gen. John D. Johnson.

The Pakistani military also has moved to restrict the availabili­ty of calcium ammonium nitrate-based fertilizer­s frequently used in Afghanista­n, and to develop a fertilizer dubbed CAN+ that would work on Pakistan’s soil but not detonate. And it signed an agreement with the U.S. last year designed to help the two countries work together to fight the roadside bombs by sharing informatio­n in areas such as militant tactics and funding. U.S. experts are to travel to Pakistan to supply it with hard-won knowledge earned in Iraq and Afghanista­n. Separately, the British military has provided instructio­n.

The school’s goal is to teach se- curity forces where bombs can be hidden, how to look for them and their components and how to gather intelligen­ce from them such as fingerprin­ts so that authoritie­s can track down militants.

“The success lies in identifyin­g the network and busting them,” said Lt.-Col. Mohammed Anees Khan, an instructor. “We need to go after those people who are making and planting those IEDs.”

During a recent visit, students were practising using equipment to search for devices planted in the ground or using remote-controlled vehicles to approach possible explosive devices. Others cleared a path to a suspected militant house and marked the path with yellow flags so that troops coming behind them would know where to walk.

The school is designed to mimic scenarios the security forces might find in real life in classes that last from three to eight weeks.

It includes a mock urban environmen­t with a market, a gas station and other buildings, and explosive devices are even hidden in a pond and a graveyard. Troops practising a search of a residentia­l compound may accidental­ly open a cupboard, setting off a loud buzzing that signals an explosion. An escape tunnel leading from one of the houses is rigged with trip wires.

“We face it whenever we travel or if there is a compound, a path or some other place, it is always in our mind that there could be some IED,” said one soldier at the school, Noor ul Ameen, who has served in the northwest and the insurgency­plagued Balochista­n province.

 ?? PHOTOS: ANJUM NAVEED/ THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ?? A Pakistani soldier helps his colleague to put on a bomb suit for a training session in defusing bombs in Risalpur.
PHOTOS: ANJUM NAVEED/ THE ASSOCIATED PRESS A Pakistani soldier helps his colleague to put on a bomb suit for a training session in defusing bombs in Risalpur.
 ??  ?? A Pakistani soldier scans an area with a metal detector at the Counter IED, Explosives and Munitions School.
A Pakistani soldier scans an area with a metal detector at the Counter IED, Explosives and Munitions School.

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