Montreal Gazette

Death can be a moment of truth

AT A TIME WHEN IT SEEMS nearly everything about everyone can be gleaned from social media, secrets do persist in families


“I was aware from an early age that something was not right and was consumed with knowing the truth.” MICHAEL HAINEY

“My mother’s aim, always, was to keep me from incorporat­ing any of the noxious stuff in her background.”


After Itzhak Goldberg’s father died in 1995, at the age of 86, his mother gave him a watch in a red case. The 18-karat gold Patek Philippe was a rare indulgence for his father, a Polish Holocaust survivor had who married, moved to Israel and run a produce business.

As Goldberg wrote in the online magazine Tablet, when he opened the box, he was stunned to find, tucked in the folds of the guarantee booklet, a tiny, yellowing photograph of two beautiful young women he didn’t recognize. His mother was startled but made no comment. For 17 years, out of deference to her, Goldberg, now a clinical professor of radiation oncology at Albert Einstein College of Medicine, did nothing. But after his mother died, he went looking for the truth.

“I knew my father wanted me to find that photograph,” he said in a recent interview. “He was saying, ‘ This is a part of my life, and I want you to know about it after I pass away.’ ”

One truism about contempora­ry life is that there are no more secrets. In the age of selfies, sexting, Twitter and Facebook, people are constantly spilling every intimate detail of their lives. Video cameras trace our every move; our cellphones know where we are at all times; Google tracks our innermost thoughts; the National Security Agency listens in when we dream. Everything is knowable, if you just know where to look.

But that idea is flawed. Secrets endure. Especially in families.

In the last year or so, a number of prominent people have stepped forward to share stories of how they were blindsided by jarring revelation­s about their loved ones after they died. Their stories share a common theme — call it secrets from the grave — that is all the more surprising when set against the recent debate about the loss of privacy in our lives.

One of those stories belongs to Michael Hainey, who was a 6-year-old in Chi- cago when his father died suddenly. Hainey and his 8-year-old brother were told little about the event. “I was aware from an early age that something was not right and was consumed with knowing the truth,” he said. “But at the same time, I lived in fear of asking anyone what happened out of concern that the world would crumble.”

At 10, he broke the omertà and pressed his mother, who told him that his father, who worked the overnight shift at The Chicago Sun-Times, had suffered a heart attack in the parking lot at work. “Why didn’t the police officers come and tell us?” he asked. She couldn’t answer. As a teenager, Hainey retrieved his father’s obituaries, all of which disagreed about the cause of death. One phrase jumped out: Robert Hainey died “while visiting friends.” How come he never met those friends, his son wondered.

Like his father, Hainey became a journalist and is now the deputy editor of GQ. When he reached his mid-30s, around the age his father was when he died, he experience­d a crisis and was determined to learn the truth. He described the quest that followed in his memoir, After Visiting Friends, which became a bestseller when it was published last year. It ends with a shock: His father had died while in bed with another woman. “While visiting friends” was the euphemism of choice.

After learning the secret, Hainey kept it from his mother for more than a year. “We all say we want the truth, but we all know what happens to the truth tellers,” he said. “They usually get slain. You have to wield the truth with care.” He eventually shared the story with her, and later in his book. Her response: “It’s the best gift you could ever have given me. It’s the truth, and for 40 years, I’ve had questions that I was afraid to ask.”

Unlike Hainey, Emma Brockes knew that her mother was harbouring a secret. As a girl growing up in London, Brockes listened to her mother tell elaborate, often violent tales about her upbringing in South Africa. One featured element: a pistol. Brockes said, “In an extravagan­tly light tone, she would say: ‘I have this gun. I’m going to leave it to you.’ ”

Brockes, now a reporter with The Guardian, said she had had no interest in pursuing the full story while her mother was alive. “But that predictabl­e thing happened that the minute she died, my relationsh­ip with her changed overnight. All of the evasions and half-truths and awkwardnes­ses I had sensed were all the things I wanted to nail down.”

Brockes visited South Af- rica and quickly learned the truth. Her grandfathe­r had been a convicted murderer and an active child molester whom her mother had got arrested and taken to court. After a lurid public trial, he escaped the charges, and her mother fled to London to escape him. As for the gun, Brockes said: “My mother, very classic, had been glib and jaunty about it. She’d not told me the real reason she had it, which was to protect herself from that maniac of a father.” Brockes’s mother even used the gun on one occasion to shoot him. “But she was absolutely useless at the task,” her daughter recalled. “She fired it five or six times and failed to kill him.” (He declined to press charges.)

Brockes, who chronicled this story in a memoir, She Left Me the Gun, which was also published last year, said she was grateful that her mother had shielded her from the truth. “I had an incredibly normal childhood,” she said. “My mother’s aim, always, was to keep me from incorporat­ing any of the noxious stuff in her background into my identity.” Family, she added, will always be a bastion of secrecy. “We might tell the world everything about ourselves, but we won’t tell our parents or our children.”

Selena Roberts learned a similar lesson recently from her mother. A former reporter and columnist with The New York Times and Sports Illustrate­d, Roberts had a distant relationsh­ip with her mom. “My older brother passed away when I was 5 years old, and it changed my parents’ marriage,” Roberts said. “My mother withdrew from everybody.” After her parents divorced, Roberts and her surviving brother moved in with their father and had little contact with their mother.

“I really wasn’t present in her life,” she said. “The last 30 or 40 years of her life, she was anorexic. She lived a very austere, minimalist life. She did not buy much for herself and was very regimented about her spending.”

After her mother died in 2010, Roberts, who was by her side the last two months, was stunned to discover that her mom had quietly been investing in the stock market for years and had amassed a portfolio worth more than $1 million, which she left to her children.

“There was no hint to us that she had ever made anything more than the government salary she earned as a teacher,” Roberts said. “But we found out after her death that she took great joy in numbers. It was the one thing she could understand and control.” A fan of Warren Buffett and Suze Orman, Roberts’s mother had been making safe, secure investment­s. She kept careful records in a spiral notebook, in which she also wrote that she had been sexually assaulted in a parking lot of a church when she was 7.

Roberts said: “I would have preferred her to experience more joy in her life, by being around us and seeing us more. I would have loved to see her happy. But I think the money was her way of saying what she had a very difficult time saying, which is, ‘I love you.’ ”

Her children gave much of the money to causes their mother cared about, and Roberts used some to help start a new company, Roopstigo, which produces sports documentar­ies. She feels that the current vogue toward confession­al self-expression is largely superficia­l. “I think many people use social media to project an idea of what they want people to see,” she said. But, she added, there are things you would never and should never reveal on Twitter, Facebook or anyplace else. “Those are the soul of people,” she said, “what motivates them, the pain they feel, the hurt and wounded parts of them. Those are where the secrets lie.”

In Roberts’s case, it’s clear that her mother wanted to keep certain things secret but also wanted her children to find out after she died. This seems to be a common provenance of family legacies: Some things are too painful to discuss while people are living but too important to be left unsaid after they die.

The story of Goldberg’s father falls into that category. After his mother died, Goldberg wanted to track down the identities of the women in the fraying photograph. The records of Yad Vashem, the Holocaust memorial in Israel, had just been made available online, and Goldberg typed in his father’s name.

He found a note handwritte­n by his father in the early 1950s, as well as a second account written by another person unknown to him that documented the death of a woman named Chaya Holzberg Goldberg and her two daughters. The woman was from the same town as Gold- berg’s father.

“I remembered that my father had relatives by that name,” he said, “and I contacted them. Several were still alive and living in New York City.” At an emotional meeting that included Goldberg’s wife, children and grandchild­ren, the family learned that Goldberg’s father had been married to Chaya Goldberg before the war. The couple, who were cousins, had two children. Shortly after the second one’s birth, Nazi officials searched the family’s hiding place.

As Goldberg described it in Tablet, “When the newborn started to cry, a hand was placed over the baby’s mouth to muffle the sound, and the baby girl was inadverten­tly smothered to death.” Chaya Goldberg and the surviving child, 7-year-old Chava, were gassed at Majdanek concentrat­ion camp.

One of the attendees at the reunion was 87-year-old Jack Holzberg, Chaya’s younger brother. He looked at the photograph that Goldberg had found in the watch case and, with tears in his eyes, said, “That’s my sister.”

Asked if he was angry at his father for not sharing the secret, Goldberg replied, “No. I had a huge respect for my father. He was an extremely strong person. Very quiet, very loving. It’s not a weird thing for survivors to say: ‘We went through so much pain. I don’t want my kids to know.’ ”

Yet he did want his family to know in the end. He understood, as so many secret-keepers seem to do, that certain truths deserved to be shared, even if the sharer can’t do it directly. Maybe that is one legacy of this age of no more secrets: Whereas once these secrets may have been buried in the grave, now they keep speaking even after the grave has been sealed.

And sometimes those secrets, long feared as too painful, bring comfort to those who learn them. After the tearful meeting with Jack Holzberg, Goldberg’s daughter gave birth to a baby girl. She named her Chaya. Goldberg called Holzberg to tell him. The family secret would be secret no more.

 ?? KARSTEN MORAN/ THE NEW YORK TIMES ?? Itzhak Goldberg with his father’s Patek Philippe watch and case, which contained a secreted photo of two women that his mother gave him upon her husband’s death, in Englewood, N.J.
KARSTEN MORAN/ THE NEW YORK TIMES Itzhak Goldberg with his father’s Patek Philippe watch and case, which contained a secreted photo of two women that his mother gave him upon her husband’s death, in Englewood, N.J.

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