Montreal Gazette

What is a cartel?


The term refers to a formal or informal agreement between businesses whose concerted aim is to control a market or productivi­ty by restrictin­g competitio­n. The participan­ts, whose agreement may be written or verbal, may fix prices, rig bids, divide geographic territorie­s, markets or customers among themselves or restrict production and supply. Canada’s Competitio­n Act makes cartel behaviour a criminal offence. Bid-rigging in response to calls for tender is one such behaviour. It occurs when bidders, who are supposed to be working independen­tly, agree in secret not to submit a bid or agree to submit bids that have been determined by mutual agreement to arrange the winner and the winning price. The Competitio­n Bureau of Canada, which enforces the Competitio­n Act, explains that cartels artificial­ly raise prices, restrict choices or reduce product quality or service.

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