Montreal Gazette

Senneville voters disrespect­ed

- Juan Manuel Mendez, Senneville

Re.: “Senneville councillor resigns and strained relations continue between mayor and council,” westisland­, March 11.

I must say I am astonished about people not having the civil courage of signing with their names; in a democratic environmen­t, all opinions are respected and hence should not matter who expresses them. On the other hand, as a Senneville resident, I expect all councillor­s to devote their time and effort to serving the community and work with whom the people elected, i.e. every one at council, plus those working at city hall. By having caucus on their own, the rest of the councillor­s show little to no respect for the mayor — I wonder if (this is) » driven by some misogynist­ic feeling — AND the rest of the people who voted for her, emotionall­y or not. A vote, emotional or not, is the basis of democracy and should be respected. By qualifying and dismissing it, “Senneville Resident” presumes that the councillor­s know better, without any consultati­on to the people who elected them. Seems like it is more important to save money than to have the kind of community most people want. More people voted against the bylaws than for Ms. Guest, does that not suggest something to the councillor­s? I will be suggesting it directly to them at the next council meeting.

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