Montreal Gazette

Let’s work closely after the election to unify Quebec


I hope people read what I have to say, whether they are separatist or federalist, in Quebec right now or away, so long as they still hold affection for our dear and special place, Quebec.

My heart really hurts these days because of all the hostile election campaign talk. Please, no matter what our views are on any of the issues, let us not divide ourselves so hatefully. Let us remind ourselves that we are living in a very special society in Quebec, one that’s trying — however imperfectl­y, haltingly — to learn to live together, “les unes et les autres.”

And that’s a lesson the whole world needs to learn.

So I try to remind myself that no matter how much I disagree with views of the “opposing camp,” many individual­s in that camp have thoughtful reasons for thinking as they do.

An example is the values charter, which I am very much against. But I’ve talked to enough francophon­es to see that many who support it have thoughtful reasons, from their point of view. Quebecers suffered for a long time under an oppressive religious authority. Also, older Quebec feminists in particular want nothing to do with anything that even looks like patriarcha­l suppressio­n of women’s rights.

I just want us to remember that fiercely as we may hold to a view, it’s even more important to try to understand each other. I know. There’s a lot of acrimony in politics. Politician­s are just trying to get elected. But I hope the mainly tolerant people of Quebec can hold to something wiser, and add some weight to the middle ground. Carole TenBrink


 ??  ?? Carole Tenbrink is a retired CEGEP English and ESL teacher. She
lives in Montreal.
Carole Tenbrink is a retired CEGEP English and ESL teacher. She lives in Montreal.

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