Montreal Gazette

Innes sues Trudeau for blocking candidacy


OTTAWA — Justin Trudeau and his Ontario campaign co-chair are facing a $1.5-million libel suit from a would-be candidate who was barred from running for the Liberal party.

In a statement of claim filed in court Monday, lawyers for Christine Innes say the Liberal leader and David MacNaughto­n slandered her by falsely claiming she’d been blocked because of bullying and intimidati­on tactics used by her campaign.

They maintain the bullying alle gations were a “smokescree­n” to hide the real reason Innes was barred: Her refusal to promise she wouldn’t run against a handpicked Trudeau star recruit, Toronto Centre MP Chrystia Freeland. The statement of claim contains allegation­s not proven in court.

Liberal party national director Jeremy Broadhurst said Innes’ claim “is without merit and it will be defended vigorously.” Innes’ lawyers say MacNaughto­n was prepared to green light her nomination bid for the byelection but only on condition that Innes promise to seek the nomination in Spadina-Fort York, rather than University-Rosedale, where Freeland wants to run.

The deal was meant to disguise the fact that Trudeau was reneging on his promise to allow open nomination­s in all ridings, the suit alleges.

Innes refused to make the promise and MacNaughto­n subsequent­ly informed her that she would not be allowed to seek the byelection nomination.

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