Montreal Gazette

When does absence of evidence become evidence?

Date-rape drug leaves no trace


The gang sexual assault trial, where so-called stupefying drugs are alleged to wipe the memory of the alleged victim, is a modern phenomenon.

The allegation­s alone conjure up a terrifying vision: A man slips something into a woman’s drink at a bar or party, she suffers a blackout and is left with only flashes of remembranc­e, often where she is physically unable to resist the assault being carried out upon her by two or more men.

For the accused men, the charges are ruinous, and defending against them is tricky: When does an absence of evidence, for instance — such date-rape drugs apparently disappear from the body rapidly — become evidence?

Just such a case began Monday in downtown Toronto before Ontario Superior Court Judge Julie Thorburn.

Two Toronto-area doctors, both now 35, are charged with administer­ing a drug with intent to stupefy, sexual assault and gang sex assault in a Feb. 12, 2011, assault on a woman one of them knew from medical school.

That doctor is also charged with intent to stupefy and sexual assault in another attack in 2003 on a different woman, who came forward after the pair’s arrest drew significan­t media attention.

Postmedia is indulging me in my decision not to use the names of the accused men unless and until they are convicted.

Since other media are covering the case and aren’t bound by my small social experiment, it won’t even qualify as a Pyrrhic victory.

But I decided last fall, after covering a similar trial, I was uneasy using the names of men in cases where virtually everyone else, including those testifying against them, is guaranteed anonymity.

It offends some rule of fundamenta­l fairness that complainan­t and witness should have their identities protected, but the people with the most to lose — the accused men — do not.

Those two men were acquitted, but not before their names were dirtied and their families humiliated.

In the current case, Judge Thorburn agreed to prosecutor Cara Sweeny’s request for publicatio­n bans on the names of the two complainan­ts and also that of another woman who is now testifying. These bans are standard in sex assault trials and were given a boost last week when Ottawa introduced the Victims Bill of Rights Act.

What it means is that except for police and expert witnesses, only the accused men — who are presumed to be innocent after all — will be identified publicly. The names of the alleged victims and the third woman, all adults of about the same age as the men, are forever secret.

The third woman is what’s called a “similar fact” witness.

Neither man is charged with any offence in relation to her — and indeed, she doesn’t allege that any sex assault was committed.

But back in December of 2008, when she was living in the Maritimes, she met the doctor I’ll call Dr. K on the Plenty of Fish website.

After a few texts, they arranged a date, which ended with a drink at Dr. K’s condo, then an outing to a club to dance.

The last thing the woman, now 29, remembers of the night is being on the dance floor, lights flashing on her.

Then, she told Judge Thorburn, “It’s all black for me.”

She awoke early the next morning in Dr. K’s bed. He’d left a message saying he’d been called to the hospital.

In her head, she said, she knew, “You need to get out of here, but I physically couldn’t get out of bed,” she said. “It was like I was nailed to the bed, like I was paralyzed.”

She fell back asleep and woke hours later, now able to move.

Though she had a drink or two before the club and perhaps another three or four at the bar, she said unequivoca­lly, “I’ve been hungover before, but that was not a hangover.”

She told her mother what happened. “I didn’t know what to do, if he had touched me or not, if I was drugged or not … I decided to talk it through.”

The next year, she moved out west, and it wasn’t until the doctors were arrested that she read a news report and learned Toronto Police were seeking witnesses.

“I thought I should at least tell my story,” she said, “regardless of whether it would be helpful.”

Sweeny wants the judge to admit the woman’s evidence, particular­ly because of the symptoms she allegedly suffered.

Dr. C is also charged with drugging and sexually assaulting a woman he knew and dated when they were at the Royal Military College in Kingston, Ont. Two years after they broke up, Sweeny said, they met for a casual drink.

After only a few sips of hers, the woman showed the telltale symptoms — sudden confusion and a loss of gross motor skills. When she came to, Dr. C was having sex with her.

Both doctors are charged in the attack on the original complainan­t, the woman who knew Dr. C from medical school.

They met for a drink, Sweeny told the judge, when unexpected­ly, Dr. K showed up. The three went to a bar when the woman became confused and even lost the ability to see.

In a flash of memory, the woman “saw Dr. C in front of her, Dr. K behind her … they removed her clothes” and then assaulted her. She awoke to Dr. K trying to “put his penis in her mouth,” Sweeny said.

Soon afterward, her parents took to her to a hospital where she had a rape kit done. A scientist will testify that the DNA of both men was found on her body and clothing.

No evidence of “unexpected drugs” was found.

Sweeny said an expert will testify about the short half-life of date-rape drugs.

“I thought there were no drugs found?” Judge Thorburn asked.

“No, no drugs,” Sweeny replied.

“I take it your theory is that there were drugs administer­ed, but by the time (she) was tested they were no longer in the body?” the judge asked.

“Yes,” said Sweeny, but in the exchange, you can see the inherent difficulty: How do you prove the absence of a drug means a drug was given?

 ?? MUSTAFA OZER/ AFP/GETTY IMAGES ?? Two doctors in Ontario are charged by the Crown with administer­ing a drug with intent to stupefy, that is, using a date-rape drug on a woman.
MUSTAFA OZER/ AFP/GETTY IMAGES Two doctors in Ontario are charged by the Crown with administer­ing a drug with intent to stupefy, that is, using a date-rape drug on a woman.
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