Montreal Gazette

Expression­s of condolence and anger


“Michelle and I offer our thoughts and prayers to the families and friends who lost a loved one and everyone affected by this tragedy. While we do not know all of the details surroundin­g (the) shooting, the initial reports are heartbreak­ing.” — U.S. President

Barack Obama “We condemn the murders, which according to all the signs were committed from hatred of Jews. … The state of Israel together with all civilized people is committed to fighting against this plague.” — Israeli Prime Minister

Benjamin Netanyahu “No community should have to face a moment such as this one. … Today, on the eve of Pesach, we are left to contemplat­e how we must continue our work building a world in which all people are free to live their lives without the threat of terror.” — Michael Siegal, chair of the Jewish Federation­s

of North America “On the eve of the Passover holiday, where Jews around the world celebrate the festival when the ancient Israelites broke the shackles of tyranny, the Jewish community of Kansas City was struck by a tyrant.” —Rabbi Marvin Heir, founder and dean of the Simon

Wiesenthal Center “This kind of senseless attack on our community is repugnant any day, but choosing Passover as a time to demonstrat­e this hateful intoleranc­e shows how disturbed this person must be.” — U.S. Sen. Roy Blunt

of Missouri

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