Montreal Gazette

Nobel Peace Prize winner inspires the world

Malala Yousafzai understand­s that she is part of a larger picture

- CELINE COOPER celine_ cooper@ yahoo. com twitter. com/ CooperCeli­ne

It’s December, which means it’s year- in- review time again. So who will top the palmarès as 2014’ s most powerful person? Richest? Sexiest?

You know what I would love to see? A list of 2014’ s most worthy celebritie­s. My No. 1 would go to 17- year- old Malala Yousafzai, this year’s co- laureate of the Nobel Peace Prize. If ever there were a role model for our times, she is it.

Malala’s story of determinat­ion and survival has been on a loop since she was shot in 2012. Still, it bears repeating: Malala was born into a Pashtun family in Pakistan’s Swat Valley. The district was a tourist destinatio­n until the Taliban bore down, restrictin­g girls’ access to schools and eventually imposing Shariah law in 2009. Malala began speaking out for children’s education when she was only 10 years old. In 2008, she travelled to Peshawar, where she gave a speech titled: “How dare the Taliban take away my basic right to education?” As militants bombed schools and threatened teachers, students and parents, she began blogging anonymousl­y for the BBC about the rights abuses in her home district in Swat under Taliban rule.

In October 2012, a Taliban gunman boarded her school bus and shot her in the head for her high- profile activism. She was 15 at the time. After the assassinat­ion attempt, her family moved to Britain and today, she lives in Birmingham, England. On Dec. 10, Malala became the youngest- ever recipient of a Nobel Peace Prize and the first Pakistani to become a laureate. She shares the award with 60- year- old Kailash Satyarthi of India, a dedicated children’s rights and anti- slavery campaigner.

Somewhere amid the morass of our modern culture of celebrity and consumeris­m, Malala has emerged as the real deal: an ordinary girl living through extraordin­ary circumstan­ces, whose life has been characteri­zed by honesty and courage. She didn’t seek out fame or celebrity; it found her. She hasn’t used it for her own gain, but rather to amplify her message for global education. It’s a reminder that celebrity doesn’t have to be so vacuous after all.

According to social anthropolo­gist Jamie Tehrani of Durham University, our fixation with celebrity culture is a result of our poorly adapted brains. In a piece for the BBC, he argued: “As a hyper- social species, we acquire the bulk of our knowledge, ideas and skills by copying from others ... .” Yet, as he goes on to write, “while celebritie­s today get more attention and prestige than at any other point in human history, we are frequently being told not to hold them up as role models. ... What are celebritie­s for if they are not to be role models?” Good question. “Our age is lousy with celebritie­s,” George Packer wrote in the Internatio­nal Herald Tribune last year.

In this modern era when mass media have artificial­ly puffed up the power, influence and wealth associated with fame, it no longer matters what you are known for. Fame itself is the goal.

What do these famous- for-being-famous celebritie­s do? They move product. They make money. They sell us the illusion that we can be like them if we buy whatever they’re hawking. But their job is to remain apart, untouchabl­e and godlike, to distract us from the humdrum of daily life. Ours is to worship, follow and fawn.

And then there are people like Malala Yousafzai who understand themselves as fundamenta­lly part of the larger picture. They implore us to join them. “I tell my story not because it is unique but because it is not,” she said in her speech at the Nobel ceremony. “It is the story of many girls. Today, I tell their stories, too.”

As we pick through the bones of 2014, let’s leave the celebritie­s who dazzled and scandalize­d us aside. Let’s highlight the ones who inspired us instead.

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