Montreal Gazette

Hockey is a great leveller

Business schools are obsessed with sport as students take to the ice


Hockey is a veritable obsession at some elite business schools. Each year, hundreds of students at U. S. MBA programs don skates and pads — many for the first time ever — to compete against their peers on the ice.

The hockey tradition has a long history at B- schools, where hockey clubs are often the most popular of any student activity. It’s not because students are particular­ly proficient at the sport. Rather, its appeal is that the slick ice lets a class of overachiev­ers meet each other on equally unsure footing, students say.

“People are trying to figure out the baseline mechanics of how to skate,” says Lauren Cohen, a captain of the Yale School of Management hockey team, and a secondyear MBA candidate. Close to 20 per cent of students in the program join the hockey club, most without any experience.

“If you can skate backwards and know how to stop, that’s definitely the high end of intermedia­te,” she says.

It can be a relief, Cohen says, to see students who glide through complex mathematic­al equations stumble just as much as the next person on the ice.

“Seeing your classmates struggle to stay upright is a nice reminder that we are all human,” says Cohen.

A Yale MBA candidate takes a shot on goal in a game among colleagues.

The sport is officially no- contact, but it often doesn’t end up that way at Yale. “There’s plenty of contact, and most of that is because people can’t control their limbs,” Cohen says.

Hockey is so baked into MBA life at Yale that some students start preparing to join the club well before they arrive on campus. At a welcome weekend for admitted students in the spring, incoming students can negotiate with outgoing graduates to buy their pads, helmets, sticks and skates at a discount.

On the much larger campus of the University of Pennsylvan­ia’s Wharton School, the hockey club does not have the physical space to fit the ballooning ranks of MBA candidates desperate for ice time.

More than 200 of the nearly 1,700 graduate students at Wharton made it into the hockey club this academic year, and another 100 applicants were left on the waiting list. The squad has had to cap its ranks because its time on the rink is limited.

“It’s a great leveller,” says David Light, co- president of the club, who says nine in 10 club members had never held a hockey stick before coming to Wharton. “People spend the first couple of games falling all over the ice and running into each other.”

Six of the top 10 business schools ranked by Bloomberg Businesswe­ek have hockey clubs, according to their websites, including the University of Chicago Booth School of Business, Northweste­rn University ’s Kellogg School of Management, Harvard Business School and the University of Michigan’s Ross School of Business.

At Wharton, Light and a group of about 13 students who help administer the league divided the club into eight different teams, which play each other in 14 games over the course of the academic year. Light says the club has grown quickly over the past decade and a half.

This April, as in years past, Wharton plans to host Yale and Dartmouth College’s Tuck School of Business in a semi- official tournament — the Cheesestea­k Chalice. Wharton fielded five teams at the competitio­n last year, but Yale will probably send fewer to Philadelph­ia. Its crew size dwindles around that time because people are crunching to land internship­s or jobs.

“We naturally lose people on that front,” Cohen says.

 ?? BRIAN BAHR/ALL SPORT ?? Hockey’s appeal is that the ice lets a class of overachiev­ers meet each other on equally unsure footing, say business students.
BRIAN BAHR/ALL SPORT Hockey’s appeal is that the ice lets a class of overachiev­ers meet each other on equally unsure footing, say business students.

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