Montreal Gazette



Birthday Guy: Actor Samm Levine was born in Chicago, Ill., on this day in 1982. This birthday guy’s extensive TV resume includes recent appearance­s on “Kirby Buckets,” “Warehouse 13” and “Person Of Interest.” Levine made his TV debut on an episode of the soap “One Life to Live” in 1997. On the big screen, Levine had had roles in such films as “Sidewalk Traffic,” “Drones,” “Inglouriou­s Basterds” and “Pulse.”

Aries (March 21- April 19): The restless urge to do something “different” could upset someone else’s careful planning. You may prefer to have things your way, but it may be time to give the other guy first dibs for a change.

Taurus (April 20- May 20): You’re a whirlwind of energy. Wait until the dust settles to start a new project or put business plans into motion. Like a dog shaking off after a bath, shake off the feeling of being pressured.

Gemini (May 21- June 20): Keep the car in the garage. The cosmic traffic lights will be red if you set the GPS for a new destinatio­n. This isn’t a good time to make crucial commitment­s or pursue major purchases.

Cancer (June 21- July 22): The world reflects face you show to the world. If you want to be treated with considerat­ion then you must treat others with considerat­ion. Don’t obsess over the details or try to manipulate a situation.

Leo (July 23- Aug. 22): You may have good ideas, but this isn’t the time to put them into action. Hold off on making drastic changes, even if you understand that cer- tain steps must be taken at some time in the future.

Virgo (Aug. 23- Sept. 22): Necessity is the mother of invention. A discussion may seem somewhat blunt and harsh, yet contain seeds of wisdom. Keep an open mind and find ways to turn a problem into an asset.

Libra (Sept. 23- Oct. 22): Sit back and enjoy life for a change. The worst that can happen has probably already occurred. Don’t let your imaginatio­n lead you astray. Roll with the punches if minor upsets change your plans.

Scorpio (Oct. 23- Nov. 21): You may be pressured to perform. You might not be at your best if challenged to try something new. If you remember to look for quality instead of quantity you can make a worthwhile purchase.

Sagittariu­s (Nov. 22- Dec. 21): Reminders of past failures shouldn’t prevent you from trying something new. People who disappoint­ed you in the past might ring your doorbell. You need not answer it.

Capricorn (Dec. 22- Jan. 19): You’re challenged to handle a rebel without a legitimate cause. Someone may feel justified in making a stand if you’ve been overly possessive or presumptuo­us. There may be a clash of wills.

Aquarius (Jan. 20- Feb. 18): You’re only young once. But no matter how old you are you may occasional­ly behave immaturely. Like a child, you may ignore the facts and push too far. Someone may subtly influence your thinking.

Pisces ( Feb. 19- March 20): Find a creative solution. Don’t moan and groan about the limitation­s or obligation­s that weigh heavily on your shoulders for a few hours. Late- night romantic dalliances are a distinct possibilit­y.

If March 12 is your birthday: By using your social contacts and networking, you can turn the next three to four weeks into a very productive time. Develop new contacts that will be there to make introducti­ons when you’re ready to interview for a new job or when you’re searching for Ms. or Mr. Right. Your charming ways and trustworth­iness shine throughout May, June and July. That’s the best time period to meet helpful people, make headway with your career aspiration­s and make major commitment­s, such as an engagement or marriage. Much will be expected of you, but you have plenty to offer.

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