Montreal Gazette

American soldier faces life in prison


The U. S. army sergeant who abandoned his post in Afghanista­n and was held captive by the Taliban could face up to life in prison if convicted of both the charges he is facing, military officials said Wednesday.

Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl was charged with misbehavio­ur before the enemy, which carries a maximum sentence of up to life in prison. He also was charged with desertion, which carries a maximum of five years.

Bergdahl also could face a dishonoura­ble discharge, reduction in rank and forfeiture of his pay if convicted.

The case now goes to an Article 32 hearing to be held at Fort Sam Houston, Texas. That proceeding is similar to an investigat­ing jury. From there, it could be referred to a court- martial and go to trial.

A date for that hearing was not announced.

The charges are the latest developmen­t in a bitter debate over Bergdahl’s case. They underscore the military and political ramificati­ons of his decision on June 30, 2009, to leave his post after expressing misgivings about the U. S. military’s role, as well as his own, in the Afghanista­n war.

After leaving his post, Bergdahl was captured by the Taliban and held by members of the Haqqani network, an insurgent group tied to the Taliban that operates both in Pakistan and Afghanista­n.

Bergdahl was handed over to U. S. special forces in Afghanista­n on May 31, 2014 as part of an exchange for five Taliban commanders who were imprisoned at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.

After spending two weeks recuperati­ng at a U. S. military hospital in Germany, Bergdahl was sent to Brooke Army Medical Center at Fort Sam Houston in Texas on June 13. He has been doing administra­tive duties at the base, awaiting the conclusion of the case.

The exchange set off a debate over whether the U. S. should have released the five Taliban members. Little is known about what the five have been doing in Qatar, where they are being monitored by the government.

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