Montreal Gazette



Birthday Guy: Actor Michael Imperioli was born in Mount Vernon, N. Y., on this day in 1966. This birthday guy won a 2004 Emmy for his portrayal of Christophe­r Moltisanti on “The Sopranos.” He played Rick Rath on “Californic­ation” and has appeared on episodes of “The Office” and “Necessary Roughness.” On the big screen, his resume includes “The M word,” “The Lovely Bones” and “Goodfellas.”

Aries ( Mar. 21- Apr. 19): Burn the candle at both ends. You have the enthusiasm and stamina to tackle several different tasks at once and come out on top. Some quiet time spent with a significan­t other may become top priority after the sun goes down.

Taurus ( Apr. 20- May 20): Take care of business. No matter what the job is or how difficult it may seem, you’re

just the one to get things done. Your thoughts may tend to wander into romantic territory, but save amorous pursuits for later.

Gemini ( May 21- June 20): Keep a low profile. You’re better suited to working quietly behind the scenes then shining in the spotlight. This is not a good time to be making presentati­ons or pushing your personal agenda.

Cancer ( June 21- July 22): Help yourself by helping others. Being kind and generous to those around you earns good karma, as well as respect. Take charge of negotiatio­ns by knowing when to speak and when to keep quiet.

Leo ( July 23- Aug. 22): Follow your ambitions. A hankering for success will have you making all the right moves as you climb the ladder. Earn applause by showing off an ability to

be precise. Use your charm to make a good impression.

Virgo ( Aug. 23- Sept. 22): Common sense always applies. A careless slip of the tongue could create a setback either in a romantic or career setting. Don’t divulge too much informatio­n unless someone specifical­ly asks for it.

Libra ( Sept. 23- Oct. 22.): Pair up. Finding a partner to work with could make your daily tasks a little easier to handle. The coming of spring may have you ready to go outside and frolic, but there are important responsibi­lities to take care of first.

Scorpio ( Oct. 23- Nov. 21): Follow the rules. You may find a shortcut to getting the job done. The consequenc­es could outweigh the rewards if you do something slightly unethical. Love beckons from the sidelines, but your ambitions should take priority.

Sagittariu­s ( Nov. 22- Dec. 21): Fix what needs fixing. Whether a computer needs defragging or a difficult problem needs solved, you rise to the occasion. Prioritize tasks so that essential matters are certain to be completed.

Capricorn ( Dec. 22- Jan. 19): Be your own harshest critic. Don’t settle for a shoddy performanc­e when you know you can do much better. Ambition and drive grow. Ultimately you’ll be rewarded for a job well done.

Aquarius ( Jan. 20- Feb. 18): Lighten the mood with your charm. Make a dismal environmen­t brighter by being witty, positive and setting others at ease. Keep your surroundin­gs well- organized to help make life easier.

Pisces ( Feb. 19- Mar. 20): Make sure work is up to par. Turning in

mediocre or slipshod work would be a definite step backward, rather than helping you make progress. Do the best you can throughout the work week.

If March 26 is your birthday: You might be dreaming of a better, more satisfying lifestyle as the next four weeks unfold. You could have a romantic encounter in mind or visualize a better job or a career, but whatever grabs your fancy is worth pursuing. Don’t expect instant gratificat­ion of your desires. Throughout June you may need to concentrat­e on a new friendship before it can blossom into anything more. August is the best month to make progress with your job, career, or finances. Wait until September, when you are wiser than usual, to make crucial changes or decisions.

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