Montreal Gazette

Parents should be more involved


Re: “Smaller classes obviously work” (Letters to the Editor, March 26) and “Class size isn’t sole factor at play” (Letters to the Editor, March 27) Both Chris Eustace and Robert Marcoglies­e raise some good points regarding the issues in public education and the difference­s with the private system, but they do not mention the point that I and many in the systems believe is a huge factor: the lack of attention and time parents invest in their children. Far too many expect the educationa­l systems (public or private) to be the sole source of education (formal and social) for their children.

If parents would spend more time reviewing, encouragin­g and offering some coaching at home, I’m sure it would help in increasing the overall score levels and encourage kids to persevere and not drop out.

The world is different for today’s children than when I went to school. Family compositio­ns are different, parents’ educationa­l levels weren’t for the most part what they are today, household finances were different, as well as available government social programs. In short, parents were more interested in seeing their children do better and they spent the time at home to make sure that was the case.

Regardless of household affluence, constraint­s on time and whether children are in public or private school, parents need to spend more time with their children instead of dumping them onto the educationa­l system.

Parents, do you know where your child is and what he or she is doing? Carmine Pollice, Montreal


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