Montreal Gazette

Don’t use phosphides to get rid of bedbugs

Use of chemicals has caused human deaths

- JOE SCHWARCZ The Right Chemistry Joe Schwarcz is director of McGill University’s Office for Science & Society. He hosts The Dr. Joe Show on CJAD Radio 800 AM every Sunday from 3 to 4 p.m.

Dazzled by its greenish glow and aware of its original isolation from urine, some called phosphorou­s “the vital flame of life.” And within a few years of its 1669 discovery by the German alchemist Hennig Brandt, the radiant element took on the role of protecting that flame from the deluge of disease. Dr. Ashburton Thompson’s 1874 opus, Free Phosphorus in Medicine, described the treatment of colic, gout, tuberculos­is and even “mental instabilit­y.” The element was even said to produce “venereal excitation,” the common euphemism of the day for sexual stimulatio­n. French apothecary Alphonse Leroy apparently put that notion to a test and reported a positive effect in listless ducks. Thompson tried small doses of phosphorus himself, but failed to produce a duck-like response. Aware that larger doses of the element caused nausea, bad breath and loosened teeth, he wondered if compounds of phosphorus would be more suited to his needs.

Small packets of powdered zinc phosphide had been available since 1867 as a remedy for whatever ailed the patient. Dr. Thompson gave this a shot, but instead of venereal ardour, only a smelly burp emerged. That’s because zinc phosphide reacts with stomach acid to produce phosphine, a gas with a decidedly garlicky odour. Luckily for Thompson, he swallowed only a few milligrams of the phosphide and thus managed to avoid a permanent squashing of all passions. Phosphine is potentiall­y lethal. However, that is just what makes the gas useful as a fumigant. By the 1930s, phosphine released from aluminum or magnesium phosphide tablets when these react with moisture in the air was ridding grain elevators and transport containers of insects. And when it came to rodents, pellets of aluminum phosphide combined with bait made for a last supper.

In 2000, workers in a German office building almost met the fate of insects. They noticed a strong smell of garlic and soon began to feel nauseous, headachy and complained of sore throats. When a plant in the office suddenly lost all its leaves, it was time to call the fire department. The firemen recognized the garlic smell and suspected phosphine had been released. Seven workers were rushed to hospital and the street was quickly evacuated.

The source of the gas turned out to be the tobacco store next door. Its owner had been importing cigars from the Dominican Republic and discovered they were infested with the tobacco fly. His Dominican contact supplied him with aluminum phosphide pellets which he spread on the floor one Friday, hoping to eliminate the flies over the weekend. He almost ended up eliminatin­g the occupants of the adjacent building. Luckily the firemen were well trained to recognize the smell of phosphine.

The outcome of a similar situation in Jerusalem in 2014 was not so lucky. Two young children died and two others ended up in hospital in critical condition due to a fumigation process gone terribly astray. A problem with insects or rodents in an apartment prompted a call to an exterminat­or who chose to use aluminum phosphide to generate phosphine gas. Bad idea. Apparently the room in the apartment that was fumigated was sealed with plastic sheeting, but the family was not told to leave. The seal turned out to be inadequate. And phosphine seeped out. Being heavier than air, it affected children the most readily.

The sick children were taken to a clinic where the parents informed the doctor that they thought the problem was some bad food. There was no mention of any insecticid­e being used, so there was no way for a physician to consider the possibilit­y of this type of poisoning. After being examined at the clinic, the children appeared to be fine and were sent home. The next thing we know is that emergency personnel were called, only to find one child dead and the other occupants of the apartment in dire straits. Seems there was further exposure to leaking phosphine, for which there is no antidote. The exterminat­or was arrested, accused of negligence.

A similar tragedy struck recently in Fort McMurray, Alta., where a family’s battle with bedbugs resulted in the death of an infant. Bedbugs might suck your blood at night and leave annoying bite marks, but they won’t kill you. But trying to kill them with phosphides can. These chemicals are not available for home use in Canada, but can be readily purchased in some other countries. It appears the phosphide used in this tragic case was brought back from Pakistan. Sadly, the phosphine it released ended up extinguish­ing the vital flame of life.

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