Montreal Gazette

A new fantasy woman emerges ...

It’s your mother-in-law. For many men, this relationsh­ip is complicate­d


The mother-in-law is no longer a joke. The images of the meddling yenta, interferin­g harpy, intransige­nt frump, party-pooping drudge, sexless and censorious humiliator are no more.

This week, research commission­ed by European clothes retailer Peter Hahn suggested that most men nurture lustful thoughts about their wives’ mothers. The motherin-law has been relaunched — as a desirable fantasy woman. But who is really surprised by this? Since your mother-in-law carries the physical and personalit­y traits that made your wife attractive to you in the first place, why would you not also find her female parent a reliable source of concupisce­nce?

Your mother-in-law is also, of course, a genetic map of your future. Best enjoy it. One in six men do — to the extent of actually preferring their mother-in-law to their wife. There are significan­t erotic currents here: sons-in-law enjoy a naturally defined sexual conspiracy with their wives’ mothers.

But the mother-in-law as intimidati­ng scold is a fixed point in European culture. From the Roman satirist Juvenal to the comedian Les Dawson, the mother-in-law has been despised and mocked. Juvenal said he could not be happy while his mother-in-law was still alive. Les Dawson said his motherin-law’s smile was like a crack in a septic tank.

Sex is, in one form or another, the basic currency of human transactio­ns and it trades most often in the areas of transgress­ion and speculatio­n.

The classic example of the complicate­dly desirable older woman

is Mike Nichols’s 1967 film, The Graduate, which turned motherin-law obsession into graphicall­y memorable cinema. Here, the Dustin Hoffman character is seduced by the voluptuous mother-in-law-to-be just ahead of the

wedding. Having ravished him so successful­ly and pleasurabl­y, she then seeks to prevent the daughter’s marriage on account of the act of almost Biblical defilement she has so enjoyed. It is completely and sensationa­lly delicious.

 ??  ?? The classic example of the complicate­dly desirable older woman is Mike Nichols’s 1967 film, The Graduate.
The classic example of the complicate­dly desirable older woman is Mike Nichols’s 1967 film, The Graduate.

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