Montreal Gazette

Minister’s response wasn’t hasty


Re: “A rather hasty dismissal” (Editorial, Sept. 18) Let us look at how things evolved during the past few weeks and see who was “courteous,” and who was not. On its website, the Quebec English School Boards Associatio­n has indicated for the past month that the Jennings Report would be issued to Education Minister François Blais, on Sept. 14. It was. The Jennings commission made its report public on Sept. 16.

The education minister had two days to read and think about the brief. Considerin­g the size of the document, and more important, its repetition of items that he had already ruled out, Blais had plenty of time to review the document and as is his right, rejected it, the day it was made public. He was courteous and efficient. Compare that to the action of QESBA president David D’Aoust, who started badgering the government before the QESBA had officially taken reception of the report from the Jennings panel.

He uttered his now infamous “Let the battle begin” cry one week before the report was made public. Who exactly was insolent in this case? It surely is the QESBA and not the education minister. Luc Horne, Vaudreuil-Dorion

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