Montreal Gazette

Police should be clearly identified


Montreal streets this fall are expected to be busy with demonstrat­ors, with wellattend­ed anti-austerity marches likely to have the highest profile. So it was timely last week that Quebec ombudsman Raymonde Saint-Germain raised the issue of the proper identifica­tion of police, the lack of which was sometimes problemati­c during the student demonstrat­ions in 2012. There were complaints about undue force from officers who could not be identified.

In her report last week to the National Assembly, Saint-Germain noted that on-duty police officers are required by Quebec’s police code of ethics to always carry identifica­tion, but that nothing is specified about how this identifica­tion should be displayed. This has sometimes prevented the Police Ethics Commission­er from being able to pursue complaints, she noted. So she has recommende­d that new regulation­s be drafted for identifica­tion of police.

Indeed, identifica­tion should be clearly visible and even uniformly worn on the same place on every officer, no matter his or her duties. Having a clearly visible badge number or, better, the officer’s name clearly displayed, should be mandated in new regulation­s that Saint-Germain recommends be drafted.

Everybody should be accountabl­e for their actions. This goes for demonstrat­ors, but also for the officers assigned to maintain the peace.

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