Montreal Gazette

Accepting daughter’s faults will be liberating

- Please email your questions to anniesmail­, or write to: Annie’s Mailbox, c/o Creators Syndicate, 737 3rd St., Hermosa Beach, CA 90254. Visit the Creators Syndicate Web page at

Dear Annie: My wife and I are in our early 70s and have two daughters. The younger one lives nearby, is married and has a 2-year-old. The older one, “Deirdre,” is divorced from a verbally and emotionall­y abusive husband.

We had warned Deirdre against marrying this man because they seemed incompatib­le, but we were supportive when she insisted she loved him. They moved 2,500 miles away, and we travelled as often as possible to see her and show that we cared. When she called at 3 a.m., crying and begging me to talk to her husband, I travelled alone to comply.

We suggested they seek counsellin­g, which they did, but it didn’t help. When Deirdre filed for divorce, we paid for her lawyer. When her ex left her high and dry, we paid for a new car so she could get to work and drive her daughter to school. We pay their airfare to come here for summers and holidays. When we visit, my wife cooks and helps our granddaugh­ter with her homework, while I clean house and take her to and from school. Meanwhile, she has become just as confrontat­ional as her mother. The girl never says thank you, is not affectiona­te toward us and has no respect for our authority. I recently sent her a birthday card with a check, telling her that I will always love her. I don’t want to sever relations, but this relationsh­ip negatively affects my wife and I wonder whether there is a better solution. Up the Creek Without a Paddle

Dear Creek: Yes. Let go. Deirdre is difficult and her life with an abuser didn’t help. Her daughter is a combinatio­n of her parents, so you cannot expect sweetness and light from the girl. What you can do is accept them as they are. You are equating your financial sacrifices with your treatment, but it won’t always match up. Do what you feel comfortabl­e doing, but without expecting an emotional reward.

Dear Annie: Oct. 13 is Metastatic Breast Cancer Awareness Day. Metastatic breast cancer is cancer that has spread from the breast to other organs in the body, most commonly the bones, liver, lungs or brain. Unfortunat­ely, most of us diagnosed with MBC will eventually die from the disease.

Additional research and treatment developmen­t will help a great many patients in the future. Please urge your readers to get informed. New York

Dear New York: Thank you for the timely reminder. Anyone who is interested in more informatio­n can contact the Metastatic Breast Cancer Network at or the National Cancer Institute at We’ll be thinking of you.

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