Montreal Gazette

Metal illness led Turcotte to attack children, defence expert testifies


SAINT-JÉRÔME A psychiatri­st for the defence says it was Guy Turcotte’s mental illness and not his consumptio­n of windshield washer fluid that led him to attack his children and stab them to death in 2009.

“It’s obvious to me that it is the mental disorder that led him to do that,” Dominique Bourget testified Monday, as she was crossexami­ned for a fourth day by the Crown.

Turcotte has pleaded not guilty to two counts of first-degree murder in the February 2009 slayings of Olivier, 5, and Anne-Sophie, 3. He has admitted to causing their deaths but his lawyers are arguing he should be found not criminally responsibl­e by way of mental disorder.

The prosecutio­n has maintained Turcotte was fully aware of his actions the night the children were killed.

Crown prosecutor Rene Verret suggested that during Turcotte’s first trial, intoxicati­on by methanol — a key ingredient in washer fluid — was an important factor in her findings, which Bourget didn’t recall.

In a February 2011 report, Bourget stated Turcotte’s actions were the result of a combinatio­n of three factors: depression, suicidal tendencies and the intoxicati­on.

But in her second report, authored just before the current trial, the question of methanol poisoning was barely mentioned — which Bourget defended by saying it was simply an update that didn’t necessaril­y repeat the first report.

She admitted the only evidence that washer fluid had been consumed came from Turcotte, who, the Crown noted, lied to hospital staff after his arrest, saying he’d consumed Tylenol capsules.

“So how can you be sure about what he’s saying about methanol?” Verret asked.

“I don’t think he was lying,” Bourget replied.

Bourget repeated her conclusion­s were complex and based on evidence she gathered, not just Turcotte’s attitude leading up to the deaths, adding it was “unlikely” he’d killed his children as revenge against his former wife, the mother of the two, who’d taken up with another man.

The Crown contends Turcotte’s attack was premeditat­ed and Bourget’s diagnosis of psychiatri­c illness is an opinion, not a certainty, given her assessment occurred almost a full year after the double slaying.

Bourget, a forensic psychiatri­st, maintained Turcotte’s brain was profoundly sick and he was unable to stop himself from killing his children.

She has testified Turcotte, 43, was suffering from an adjustment disorder, exhibiting signs of anxiety and depression with obsessivec­ompulsive traits and was in suicidal crisis when he stabbed the children 46 times.

 ??  ?? Guy Turcotte
Guy Turcotte

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