Montreal Gazette

Man charged with threatenin­g Muslims freed with conditions

- PAUL CHERRY pcherry@montrealga­

The Montreal North resident charged with threatenin­g to randomly kill members of Montreal’s Arabic community in a video he posted on YouTube has agreed to follow a series of conditions to secure his release.

Jesse Pelletier, 24, was scheduled to have a bail hearing on Monday but instead the Crown, represente­d by prosecutor Pascal Dostaler, agreed to his release if he accepted a series of conditions.

Pelletier was arrested on Wednesday after the Montreal police investigat­ed the origins of a video that had been posted on YouTube on Nov. 15. In the video, a man wearing a mask of the Joker, the villain in the popular Batman movies and comic books, threatened to kill one member of Montreal’s Arabic community, or Muslims, per week. The video was posted as the Quebec government is planning for the arrival of Syrian refugees who are expected to come to Canada before the end of this year. The man claimed to be part of a group who would help him carry out his threats.

Pelletier faces four charges in all: uttering threats to kill or cause harm to members of the Arabic community, inciting hatred against an identifiab­le group, causing fear among members of the Arabic community and using a fake firearm to carry out a threat. The last charge carries a maximum 14-year prison sentence and a one-year mandatory minimum prison sentence upon conviction.

The charges are very serious so it was a surprise to see the Crown change its stance and agree to release Pelletier without a bail hearing. But his defence lawyer, Audrey Amzallag, said the prosecutio­n had wanted to verify the references the man in the video made to being part of a group before making an actual decision.

“The reason why we postponed (the hearing) to (Monday) was because he had mentioned ‘we’ often (in the video) — as in him being part of a group. And there is nothing (linking) him to being part of any group,” Amzallag said. Pelletier has had to use a wheelchair to get around over the past year. He has a disease that has affected his bones since he was a child and he injured himself last year while lifting weights.

In order to be released, Pelletier had to deposit $3,000, which a relative appeared prepared to do right away. He is also subject to a curfew that requires him to be home between 9 p.m. and 7 a.m. He also agreed to not use a computer or any other form of electronic device that can access the Internet. He is barred from using social networks on the Internet and cannot possess any weapons. Pelletier appeared to be surprised that he cannot access the Internet while charged, but ultimately agreed to follow the condition.

He also had to supply an address where he will reside while he is charged. Pelletier asked that the address not be read out loud in court and that it be kept under seal in the court record.

“You understand with what is (alleged) in the accusation­s and what was said in the video (the request to keep his address secret) was for his security and his family’s security,” Amzallag said, while adding that, to her knowledge, Pelletier has not received any specific threats.

The case returns to court on Jan. 18.

 ?? YOUTUBE ?? Jesse Pelletier, 24, was charged in connection with a video in which a person threatens that one Arab will be murdered in Quebec every week.
YOUTUBE Jesse Pelletier, 24, was charged in connection with a video in which a person threatens that one Arab will be murdered in Quebec every week.

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