Montreal Gazette

Fall of the last TORIES?


- National Post thopper@nationalpo­­per TRISTIN HOPPER


By all indication­s, Newfoundla­nd and Labrador’s Progressiv­e Conservati­ves are doomed in next Monday’s election.

After 12 years, the government first swept into office by Danny Williams is polling so poorly that it could well be headed for the kind of gut-punching electoral wipeout for which Atlantic Canadian voters are famous.

“Almost everyone thinks the Liberals will form the government at the end of the month,” said Amanda Bittner, a political scientist at Memorial University in St. John’s. “The big question is how big of a majority they’ll have.”

Thus, for the first time since 1943, not a single government in Canada will be headed by a big-C Conservati­ve.

It’s been a rough 14 months for blue government­s: the Progressiv­e Conservati­ves were kicked out in New Brunswick in September a year ago. Alberta’s PCs fell a little more than seven months later. And finally, October saw the defeat of Stephen Harper’s federal Conservati­ves — helped along by a solid wall of Liberal MPs in Atlantic Canada.

"Paul Davis is certainly no Stephen Harper,” said Newfoundla­nd and Labrador Premier Paul Davis in a somewhat awkward third-person reference this month.

Only four times since Confederat­ion has Canada been completely free of Tories, with the longest single stretch beginning in the midst of the Great Depression in the 1930s. Just as in 1935-43, however, Canada will still have conservati­ve government­s — they just won’t say it explicitly.

Members of B.C.’s governing party call themselves “B.C. Liberals,” but since the 1980s they have been known as a bastion for centre-right sentiment.

The party’s 2013 campaign signs were blue, Premier Christy Clark promised “strong economy and a debt-free B.C.” and former leader Gordon Campbell was appointed by Harper for the prestigiou­s post of high commission­er to the United Kingdom.

The same goes for Saskatchew­an. Although the province’s Progressiv­e Conservati­ves were wiped from the electoral map in the 1990s, the governing Saskatchew­an Party is effectivel­y their modern-day successor.

The province’s wildly popular premier, Brad Wall, even hosted Harper at the Saskatchew­an Legislativ­e Building for one of the former’s last acts as prime minister: a promise to appoint no new senators. (Wall is seen as a possible front-runner for federal Conservati­ve leader, if he wants the job.)

And in the North, the long-reigning Yukon Party has taken a cue from the Wheat Province of offering centre-right policies from a party bearing the name of the jurisdicti­on. Premier Darrell Pasloski, notably, was a federal Conservati­ve candidate in 2008.

“What people need to recognize is that while certain government­s across Canada may not have ‘conservati­ve’ in their name, they still govern using conservati­ve values,” said Colin Craig, a spokesman for the Manning Centre, a Calgary-based conservati­ve think tank.

“And that’s what’s important.”

The last time this happened, with the fall of P.E.I.’s Conservati­ves in 1935, it took eight years until a new “Progressiv­e” Conservati­ve party was put together to take power in Ontario. The revamped Tories emerged with a platform of moderate government interventi­on and peaceful coexistenc­e with trade unions. Gone were the old Tory notions of protection­ism and complete rejection of Keynesian economics.

Early signs of a modern shift are already evident at the federal level, with interim Conservati­ve leader Rona Ambrose giving her support for a missing women inquiry and expressing a wish that 24 Sussex Drive be transforme­d into “the greenest home in Canada.” In Ontario, Patrick Brown became Progressiv­e Conservati­ve leader in part by aggressive­ly recruiting support from visible minorities.

One conservati­ve source told the National Post that any future Conservati­ve or Progressiv­e Conservati­ve option would need to become “smarter and more inclusive” before manoeuvrin­g its way back into office.

As for Newfoundla­nd and Labrador, it’s debatable whether Davis’s government is really all that conservati­ve to start with. Its now-retired stalwart, Danny Williams, famously urged voters to support “Anything But Conservati­ve" in the last three federal elections.

In this latest campaign, Davis has been warning that a vote for the Liberals would shrink the size of government.

“They laid off thousands of public servants,” he said of the last time the Liberals last governed Newfoundla­nd and Labrador, in the pre-oil boom 1990s.

And, in a rare campaign move for a Tory government, Davis has been cozying up to unions to warn that Liberals are “sharpening the axe” for a whirlwind of spending cuts.

"I will reward you fairly and quickly when we regain fiscal capacity,” he said in an October speech to the Newfoundla­nd and Labrador Associatio­n of Public Employees, the province’s largest union.

The Liberals, meanwhile, are promising tax cuts, specifical­ly, a repeal of hikes to the harmonized sales tax.

Liberal Leader Dwight Ball is even using one of Harper’s favourite campaign phrases. As he said in early November, his tax cut will “put money back in the pockets” of residents of Newfoundla­nd and Labrador.

It’s been a slow slide for the Progressiv­e Conservati­ves. In 2013, an Angus Reid poll showed then-premier Kathy Dunderdale was the most unpopular in Canada.

Since her resignatio­n, her replacemen­t Davis has overseen a steady hemorrhagi­ng of support. According to the latest election poll, commission­ed by the province’s NTV News, the Liberals were poised to take 74 per cent of the vote, to the Progressiv­e Conservati­ves’ 12 per cent.

Twice before, voters in Atlantic Canada have filled entire legislatur­es with a single party. As Liberal fortunes climb — helped in no small part by the popularity of Justin Trudeau in the region — East Coast election watchers say it’s possible a similar fate could befall the Progressiv­e Conservati­ves.

“Newfoundla­nd and Labrador seems to have a type of pendulum politics, at least anecdotall­y, where voters talk about needing a change and then swing the pendulum drasticall­y in the opposite direction,” said Bittner.

It’s an equation the Progressiv­e Conservati­ves have seen from the other side. In the 2007 election, the party claimed 44 of 48 seats.


 ?? ANDREW VAUGHAN / THE CANADIAN PRESS ?? A loss for Paul Davis, left, would mean no government in Canada is headed by a big-C Conservati­ve. Although not Conservati­ve, Saskatchew­an’s Brad Wall, centre, and B.C.’s Christy Clark, right, have governed with centre-right values.
ANDREW VAUGHAN / THE CANADIAN PRESS A loss for Paul Davis, left, would mean no government in Canada is headed by a big-C Conservati­ve. Although not Conservati­ve, Saskatchew­an’s Brad Wall, centre, and B.C.’s Christy Clark, right, have governed with centre-right values.

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