Montreal Gazette


A family’s journey to recovery


TORONTO• Concussion­s, according to official medical nomenclatu­re, are “mild traumatic brain injuries.”

“But there’s nothing mild about them,” says Dr. David L. Brody, associate professor of neurology at the Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis. “We really object to this term. It does a disservice. It’s not accurate.”

Brody should know: he’s one of the world’s foremost experts on the treatment of severe concussion­s. I also witnessed it myself.

Earlier this year, a Toronto area youth suffered what would be diagnosed as a “very mild” concussion — about as mild as they come, in fact. Only there was nothing “mild” about it.

I was able to follow this soccer player’s weeks-long recovery and cutting-edge treatment at a Toronto sports medicine clinic. I am not identifyin­g the patient by name, age or hometown, at the family’s request. A primary reason is they don’t want the preteen’s concussion history entered into the public record.

It is only with the family’s permission that I can share their story: of the harrowing, uncertain first hours and days; of the symptoms felt by the athlete, which sometimes worsened in an eyeblink; of the worry, ignorance, frustratio­n and inadequacy felt by the parents.

The family hopes that by sharing the plight of the athlete — we’ll call him Owen — they can perhaps better prepare others.

Owen was one of the lucky ones. Recovery in most cases takes a couple of weeks. But life for the most severely concussed is pure hell, for as long as a year.

Owen’s recovery included three visits to physiother­apist Siobhan Karam and doctors at the Sports Medicine Specialist­s clinic in Toronto. Karam has treated more than 100 concussed Canadians of all ages over the past two years, some of whom compete at the highest levels of their sport, profession­al and amateur alike.

Karam and the SMS clinic granted me permission to reveal what I observed during Owen’s treatments. Here is his story.


Owen likes to think he has a high tolerance for pain.

“But that hurt. It really hurt,” he said of the freak accident that concussed him last spring, at a soccer tournament in the U.S.

It happened during the pregame warm-up on Day 2 of the competitio­n. A fast-flying ball smacked hard off Owen’s forehead, just above his right eye. He saw the crosser coming, he just misjudged it. Thus, he didn’t do anything to protect himself.

There was no cut, surface swelling or bruising. But the pain he felt was immediate, sharp and intense. He could not stop crying for a time.

Owen’s coach, to his compassion­ate credit, immediatel­y ruled Owen out of the big afternoon game.

Owen wasn’t wobbly or groggy. Soon his eyes dried, his demeanour brightened and he no longer seemed to be in any particular discomfort. His parents had no idea what to do next. Just give him an Advil or two, head back to the hotel and have him rest up under their close observatio­n? Or take him to emergency, just to be safe?

The tournament had a paramedic on site, who briefly examined and questioned Owen and concluded, by that state’s medical definition, he was concussed. His tournament was over.

The paramedic provided Owen’s parents with detailed short-term medical advice, which advocated — shockingly to Owen’s parents — no headache pills or medication. The reason? Some over-the-counter headache medicine can exacerbate internal bleeding of the brain, in the unlikely event that was occurring.

At the hotel, Owen relaxed in bed for the remainder of the day, experienci­ng no symptoms other than a gradually dissipatin­g headache.

In bed, he ate a bit of dinner and watched some TV before lights out. He slept fine.


Owen awoke cheerily with just a slight headache. Good news. Maybe he was better. It didn’t seem like a concussion.

And, boy, was he hungry. Downstairs at the hotel’s compliment­ary breakfast station, Owen loaded up a plate and sat down to dig in.

Players and parents from other teams packed the chaotic breakfast area.

That fast, Owen’s cheery morning ended.

“All the noise — all those players yakking — really hurt my head,” he recalls.

“Just like that I felt dizzy. Really dizzy. Felt like I was going to throw up. I said to Mom and Dad, ‘I gotta get out of here. Like, right now.’ ”

It was drive-home day. The family SUV was already packed.

What to do? Was propping up Owen in the back seat, immobilize­d against a pile of pillows, the best place for him to be for most of the day? Or the worst, weaving down highways all day at high speed?

Again, his parents had no idea. This was their scariest, most stressful moment of the crisis. What if Owen was severely hurt? What if he couldn’t continue the drive at some point, in the middle of nowhere?

They decided to rely on what the paramedic had suggested — immobility and rest — and at least try to drive home, prepared to find a hospital at any moment.

Owen, on the verge of tears and feeling awful, fell asleep almost immediatel­y upon hitting the highway. He awoke two hours later, his dizziness and nausea gone. It remained gone for the rest of the day. Same with the bad headache.

Owen’s dispositio­n kept improving as the SUV’s odometer spun. By the time the family neared home at twilight, he was sitting upright in the back seat, laughing and getting into trouble with a sibling, playing on an iPad and seemingly back to normal.

Crisis averted? It seemed so. But it wasn’t even close.


After a decent night’s sleep in his own bed, Owen’s sensitivit­y to noise returned. And it remained. Worse, he found if he jerked his head, or moved quickly, his head hurt. Not a lot, but there was definitely pain.

Owen’s parents continued to follow the tournament paramedic’s advice and did not give him any headache medication, as counter-intuitive as that seemed. The day’s priority: get him to a concussion doctor, stat.

First, though, they called his school to tell them Owen might have a concussion and wouldn’t be attending classes that day.

That’s when Owen’s parents learned that, in publicly funded schools in Ontario, if you tell the school your child might have a concussion, a strict concussion management protocol kicks in. The Ontario government decreed in 2014 that the return-to-school protocol devised and approved by the Ontario Physical and Health Education Associatio­n must be the minimum standard employed by all local school boards.

Ontario is the only province with such legislatio­n in place.


The bottom line: your child can only return — and perform activities at clearly defined levels — with a doctor’s permission.

In Owen’s school district, a doctor must fill out and sign a four-page concussion-management protocol form, indicating which of the eight stages the child is at, which cerebral or physical activities the child can perform, and whether monitoring is required.

The parents scrambled to find a nearby concussion doctor or therapist, consulting Google, Yellow Pages and friends. They called every clinic within 30 kilometres of their family home, only to find out all were booked up for one to two weeks.

Finally, the parents secured an appointmen­t the next day for Owen to see Siobhan Karam at Toronto’s SMS clinic.

As for his first day home, Owen spent it idle, watching some TV, but mostly passing time on his iPad.


Upon waking, Owen’s symptoms were unchanged. Sudden movements and loud noises made his head hurt.

Owen’s father accompanie­d him to the SMS clinic. After reviewing Owen’s detailed medical history, Karam proceeded with her usual assessment, which included:

Identifyin­g Owen’s symptoms and applying a severity rating to each.

Nine neurologic­al symptom tests, including for dizziness, nausea and numbness.

Seven neck assessment­s, to see whether such movements as active range of motion, rotation and key reflexes were affected.

Four vertebral (neck) artery function tests.

Six balance and vision tests, more formally called vestibular and ocular motor screening.

Co-ordination tests, including arm movement (e.g., finger to nose).

Neurocogni­tive tests, including immediate memory recall, concentrat­ion and delayed recall.

Karam diagnosed Owen with a very mild concussion — “one of the mildest I’ve seen in two years,” she told Owen’s father. She said she wasn’t surprised Owen’s symptoms seemed worse on Day 2. Sometimes it takes two days, she said.

Concussion symptoms can include memory difficulti­es, lingering headaches, vomiting, vision issues, seizures, arm/leg weakness or numbness, neck pain, personalit­y changes, fatigue, inability to sleep soundly, slurred speech, light sensitivit­y and noise sensitivit­y.

Owen now displayed only two: noise sensitivit­y and headaches caused by sharp body movements.

Next, an SMS physician examined Owen, concurred with Karam’s assessment and filled out the school board’s concussion protocol form. Owen could return, half-days, at Stage 4 of 8: “a gradual increased exposure to visual and auditory distractio­ns,” with monitoring.

Karam then walked Owen through the newly developed vision and balance exercises he was to perform at home, twice a day, over the next eight days, until his next appointmen­t.

Her principal advice to Owen for the next week: no physical activity whatsoever; lots of rest; and stay off the iPad and other electronic­s. The iPad edict distressed Owen more than anything he’d heard so far, but it’s important not to over-stimulate, and thus fatigue, the brain as it reboots.

Owen and his father exhaled on the way out. Relief. But while Owen’s head was healing, his dad’s was spinning.


Owen felt almost 100 per cent on Day 5. There was no headache, not even when he jerked his head or moved suddenly. The noise sensitivit­y also seemed gone.

His parents decided to let him return to school that afternoon, on the limited basis approved by Karam and the SMS physician.

But not even 15 minutes after Owen’s mom dropped him off, the school rang: Owen needed to be picked up immediatel­y. He had a bad headache.

“The classroom was so loud during lunch,” he recalled. “My head hurt right away. I had to get out of there.”

Back home, Owen spent the rest of the day relaxing, and somewhat grudgingly did his laser exercises (see related story). Owen’s parents kept him home on Day 6, a Friday.

His concussion symptoms never returned, not even noise aversion. After a quiet weekend, Owen spent halfdays at school on Days 9-11, without setback.


Karam examined Owen again on Day 12.

Satisfied he was symptomfre­e, she asked Owen to work out on a treadmill for 15 minutes, to see if light physical activity bothered him. Owen got up to 5.5 m.p.h. at a Level 15 incline. Not bad.

Then Karam watched closely as Owen performed physical agility tests. Still no headaches, nor any other symptoms.

At that point, and after an SMS physician’s exam, Owen and his parents received the news they’d been hoping to hear: Owen was cleared to return to school full-time (Stage 8 clearance), and to resume physical activity.


Karam advised Owen to return to play on his elite team, but gradually.

For his first two weeks back, Owen did not dress for games — his parents’ decision, with his soccer coach’s support. Owen practised only in non-contact technical drills, all without issue.

A day before Owen’s return to game action, Karam examined him one last time, on Day 23.

She put him through high-intensity exercises — 15 minutes on the treadmill, 15 minutes on the rowing machine — followed by a few sport-specific workout and technical drills, such as passing and receiving.

There were still no symptoms, no headaches, no issues.

Owen’s coach worked him back into game action gradually over the next two weeks, without incident.

Five weeks later, his “mild” traumatic brain injury crisis was over.

 ?? ERNEST DOROSZUK / POSTMEDIA NETWORK ?? Siobhan Karam, left, demonstrat­es concussion exam techniques on fellow physiother­apist Jenny Dea at Sports Medicine Specialist­s clinic.
ERNEST DOROSZUK / POSTMEDIA NETWORK Siobhan Karam, left, demonstrat­es concussion exam techniques on fellow physiother­apist Jenny Dea at Sports Medicine Specialist­s clinic.
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