Montreal Gazette

Prostate cancer specialist revels in treatment successes

For specialist Fred Saad, there are also good days on the job

- CHARLIE FIDELMAN cfidelman@montrealga­­es

It's tough being the physician men seek out when their disease has almost killed them. Montreal prostate cancer specialist Fred Saad is often in that position.

When the cancer becomes resistant to treatment, “it's really the worst-case scenario,” says Saad, chief of urology at the Centre hospitalie­r de l'Université de Montréal. Once the illness has spread to the bones, many patients suffer fractures, need palliative radiation therapy and live their remaining days in much pain.

But for Saad, there are also rewards to the job. And by that, he means finding new treatment possibilit­ies that can stop the disease and prolong patients' lives.

Once the cancer has advanced, life expectancy for the disease in 2015 is three years, he said — that's up from 18 months in 2004. “It doesn't sound like a lot, but it's huge compared to 10 years ago,” he said. “And some (patients) have miraculous responses.”

One such promising advance, revealed this week, is that a new drug cocktail therapy used experiment­ally sent the first few patients — about 40 in total located in Quebec, United States, England and British Columbia — who tried it into “complete remission,” Saad says. “So we're very excited about this response.”

Lead investigat­or Saad and his team at the Centre hospitalie­r de l'Université de Montréal Research Centre (CRCHUM) are now testing this drug in several centres worldwide. The drug is not yet approved for patient use — and goes by its developmen­tal code name ARN-509 and JNJ-56021927.

The drug blocks genes that affect prostate cancer cell growth. It's combined with anti-androgen drug Zytiga (abirateron­e acetate), which stops the production of the hormone testostero­ne that feeds prostate cancer cells. Zytiga was approved three years ago, and is usually prescribed alone — the goto treatment for aggressive prostate cancer. But when that fails, patients with advanced cancer die within 18 months on average.

“This is one of the first combinatio­n treatments of two drugs rather than one, and it attacks the cancer in a complement­ary fashion,” said Saad, who last year recruited several patients locally to participat­e in the initial clinical trial for safety.

All the men enrolled in the study have advanced prostate cancer that had stopped responding to traditiona­l anti-hormone treatment.

That's how Antonio Paris, 59, of Sherbrooke, ended up at Saad's Montreal clinic.

“My father died of prostate cancer — he was 84,” Paris, a constructi­on worker specializi­ng in renovating old houses, told the Montreal Gazette this week.

The majority of men with prostate cancer are over 70 years old when diagnosed, but Paris was 54. He went through months of radiation therapy and anti-hormone injections that cut his testostero­ne and his libido to zero. He did well for two years, but 15 months ago the cancer came back. Luckily, it had not spread to his bones.

“I got (referred to Saad) just in time for the drug protocol,” said Paris, who became one of the first patients to start taking the experiment­al cocktail 14 months ago.

Results were so promising that the U.S. Food and Drug Administra­tion and Health Canada authorized the start of a Phase 3 clinical study three months ago, Saad said.

Under the third phase, the clinical trial expanded to include about 1,000 patients at 196 hospitals worldwide. The purpose of the trial, which is sponsored by the pharmaceut­ical company that manufactur­es and markets the drug, is to determine whether patients live longer as a result of the treatment. Results will not be available for another three years.

Today, Paris follows a strict treatment regimen, taking more than a dozen pills daily at precise times, starting at 5 a.m.

The disease has receded, he says, although he deals with side effects, from having to urinate every two hours to losing interest in sex.

He fears that once the study is over in 2018, he'll have to pay for the expensive drugs himself if they are not approved for use outside of a clinical trial.

But he prefers not to dwell too much on the cancer, preferring to enjoy life with his girlfriend and dog.

“I am a very positive person,” he says. “I'm very, very happy — because my life is continuing. I take my pills and la vie est belle.”

If diagnosed early, prostate cancer can be treated successful­ly, but once it starts to spread the disease can become resistant to treatment. About 25,000 Canadians are diagnosed with prostate cancer annually and the disease claims about 4,300 lives per year.

I am a very positive person. I’m very, very happy — because my life is continuing. I take my pills and la vie est belle.

 ?? MARIE-FRANCE COALLIER/MONTREAL GAZETTE ?? Antonio Paris takes a slew of pills daily. He is one two Quebecers to participat­e in a clinical research study on prostate cancer, intended for patients in whom the disease is so aggressive they have a life expectancy of only 18 months.
MARIE-FRANCE COALLIER/MONTREAL GAZETTE Antonio Paris takes a slew of pills daily. He is one two Quebecers to participat­e in a clinical research study on prostate cancer, intended for patients in whom the disease is so aggressive they have a life expectancy of only 18 months.
 ?? DAVE SIDAWAY/MONTREAL GAZETTE ?? Fred Saad has found success with an experiment­al treatment for advanced cases of prostate cancer.
DAVE SIDAWAY/MONTREAL GAZETTE Fred Saad has found success with an experiment­al treatment for advanced cases of prostate cancer.

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