Montreal Gazette

Charges against cop quietly dropped


The criminal case brought against a police officer who was charged with intimidati­ng Beaconsfie­ld city officials in his bid to flip a lakeside property for a quick profit was quietly dropped, just three months after it was brought to court, due to a lack of evidence.

On Sept. 11, Sûreté du Québec Constable Peter De Castris, 53, of Roxboro, was charged in a case that was investigat­ed for several months by the Escouade de protection de l’intégrité municipale (EPIM), a Montreal police unit assigned to investigat­e municipal corruption. Ten charges were filed against him.

The charges alleged that De Castris and three other men intimidate­d and extorted city of Beaconsfie­ld officials in order to obtain permits for renovation­s to a house on Lakeshore Rd. that were already made without approval from the municipali­ty.

When the charges were filed, EPIM, which is part of the provincial anti-corruption unit known as UPAC, issued a statement announcing that De Castris had been arrested along with his brother Dominic, 48, and business partners Robert Brunet, 43, and 50-year-old Gian Di Girolamo. The statement trumpeted how each man faced at least eight charges including money laundering, conspiracy and fraud.

No statement was issued three months later, on Dec. 15, when the case against De Castris was suddenly dropped at the Montreal courthouse following closed-door negotiatio­ns between the defence lawyer for all four men, Gilles Doré, and prosecutor Maryse Trudel, that began almost immediatel­y after the arrests were made.

As part of those negotiatio­ns, Trudel explained to Quebec Court Judge Pierre Labelle on Dec. 15, the Crown accepted a guilty plea from Di Girolamo on one sole count, municipal corruption “by committing a criminal act,” the harassment of Denis Chabot, the director of Beaconsfie­ld’s urban planning department at the time.

Brunet, a man who helped renovate the house, was acquitted on all 10 of the charges he faced but agreed to follow court-ordered conditions for a year. In doing so, Brunet conceded Chabot had reason to fear for his safety because of Brunet’s actions in 2012. Doré explained on Dec. 15 that while there was no proof any of the four men threatened or assaulted Chabot, he said that Brunet “capitalize­d on insecuriti­es” generated by the constant presence of Brunet, Di Girolamo and Dominic De Castris at public urban planning meetings, even when their case wasn’t being heard.

Peter De Castris and his brother were acquitted as part of the same hearing. According to an SQ spokespers­on, De Castris is currently suspended from the provincial police force and faces a future disciplina­ry hearing. But because he was acquitted in December, Quebec taxpayers are currently paying his full salary to do nothing. His salary had been reduced by half while the charges were pending.

“Considerin­g the global resolution of the case through negotiatio­ns with (Gilles) Doré and the plea entered by Mr. Di Girolamo, the prosecutio­n will present no evidence against Mr. Dominic De Castris and Peter De Castris,” Trudel said during the Dec. 15 hearing.

That left Labelle with no choice but to acquit the police officer and his brother. However, during a sentence hearing for Di Girolamo earlier this month, Labelle demanded more informatio­n from the Crown.

On Feb. 3, Di Girolamo was about receive an 18-month conditiona­l sentence that included six months of house arrest. But while a different prosecutor read from a long list of the other conditions Di Girolamo agreed to follow, Labelle recognized the names of people Di Girolamo is not allowed to associate with. Included on the list was Charles Huneault, 48, a man with very close ties to the Hells Angels, and Jean-Guy Dubois, 82, a convicted murderer and drug smuggler who was part of a gang of brothers who controlled rackets in Montreal decades ago. Dubois’s brother, Adrien, who died of natural causes in 2014, owned the company that supplied Peter De Castris with the mortgage used to purchase the house on Lakeshore Rd. in Beaconsfie­ld — for $500,000 — in 2011. Another condition called for Di Girolamo to stay away from institutio­ns that lend money during his 18-month sentence.

“Excuse me, but (Di Girolamo) pleaded guilty in a case of harassment that is very specific. Can you tell me why I’m now hearing about (institutio­ns that lend money) and Charles Huneault? Absolutely no mention of this was made when he pleaded guilty.” Labelle said. In response, Trudel revealed a bit more.

“(The negotiatio­ns) involved me and (Gilles) Doré. We sat down together. We had long discussion­s towards seeing how we could settle the case. We did that in the two months that followed the arraignmen­ts of (the four men) so we wouldn’t end up doing the same thing three years from now,” Trudel said, adding the Crown conceded Di Girolamo could have ended up with the same sentence after a lengthy trial. “We sat down together and looked at the interests of everyone.”

However, during her sometimes emphatic explanatio­n, Trudel never actually explained why Charles Huneault or Jean-Guy Dubois were included in the conditions Di Girolamo agreed to follow.

After the guilty plea was entered in December, Trudel provided a summary of the case for Labelle. She described how Chabot was attacked on Oct. 5, 2012, by two men (who have never been arrested) who struck him about the head with a baseball bat while Chabot was at the Summerlea Golf and Country Club in Vaudreuil-Dorion. The assault (which left injuries that required 30 stitches to close) occurred one day after Brunet was informed the city of Beaconsfie­ld would not approve the renovation­s De Castris and his brother had already made — specifical­ly the addition of a balcony at the back of the house. Chabot initially believed the attack was part of a botched robbery but, later the same month, he received an anonymous phone call and anonymous email — that originated from Turkey — threatenin­g him and his family. The timing of the threats led Chabot to conclude it involved his opposition to what was being done to the house, Trudel said. During that same month, Michael Montagno resigned his seat on Beaconsfie­ld council after receiving a call from Di Girolamo on Oct. 17, 2012 asking for his support.

Trudel also revealed the rest of Beaconsfie­ld city council ultimately voted in favour of the renovation­s only because they feared for the safety of Chabot and his family.

“On Oct. 18, (Beaconsfie­ld) councillor­s made an agreement before holding a (public municipal meeting) to protect Denis Chabot and his family to let the dossier involving 601 Lakeshore go through,” the prosecutor said. “A strategic vote of four versus two was planned to assure the dossier would go through (during a regular council meeting held near the end of October 2012).”

 ?? JOHN MAHONEY/FILES ?? This home on Lakeshore Rd. in Beaconsfie­ld was once owned by Sûreté du Québec officer Peter De Castris, who was arrested for intimidati­ng Beaconsfie­ld city officials.
JOHN MAHONEY/FILES This home on Lakeshore Rd. in Beaconsfie­ld was once owned by Sûreté du Québec officer Peter De Castris, who was arrested for intimidati­ng Beaconsfie­ld city officials.

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