Montreal Gazette



Recent history is full of shocking and shameful episodes of pedophilia and attempted coverups. Canada has witnessed scandals at the Congregati­on of the Holy Cross, Mount Cashel Orphanage and government-sanctioned residentia­l schools for indigenous peoples, to name a few high-profile cases. Last year, sexual abuse in the Boston archdioces­e was the subject of the movie Spotlight. Next week, in Britain, a final report is expected into abuse revelation­s spanning 50 years involving popular BBC presenter Jimmy Savile.

It is too soon to know how history will judge Claude Jutra, the director whose classics Mon oncle Antoine and Kamouraska stand at the pinnacle of Canadian cinema. A new biography contains allegation­s the director, who killed himself in 1986 and whose name graces the trophies handed out for excellence in Quebec film, regularly had sex with 14- and 15-year-old boys, and in at least one case, even younger.

The topic takes up four of 360 pages of the biography by Yves Lever, a respected film critic and teacher. One would think four pages of second-hand informatio­n based on unnamed sources should not be sufficient to destroy the character of a person who is no longer able to defend himself. Presumably some of the alleged victims are alive, and still might come forward. However, none had as of Tuesday, when the book went on sale.

Still, it’s telling that Lever says he broached the subject not because he wanted to, but because he felt he had to. Jutra’s behaviour, he says, was common knowledge among close circles, and he would have failed as a biographer to have left it out. He says he obtained confirmati­on from multiple sources, enough to satisfy the lawyer for Les Éditions du Boréal. If true, the idea that others were aware of incidents but kept silent adds another disturbing element to the story, and warrants further investigat­ion.

In the immediate term, another question is raised: What to do about the Jutra Awards. The next edition is to take place March 20. Some industry members are calling for a boycott, or for the trophies to be renamed. The group that organizes the presentati­ons has formed a committee to look into possible actions. Culture Minister Hélène David, calling the book’s revelation­s “troubling,” cautioned against rushing to judgment — a sensible reminder that, no matter how disturbing the allegation­s, one is considered innocent unless proven guilty.

Neverthele­ss, if the Jutras are held, it will be important for organizers and participan­ts to acknowledg­e the controvers­y in a public way, in speeches or otherwise. Silence, when it comes to allegation­s of pedophilia, is not an option.

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