Montreal Gazette

Court to rule on fate of firm offering pedophile services

LATMS says it doesn’t encourage or endorse abuse, warns of ‘demonizing an emotional orientatio­n’


A superior court judge will decide Thursday whether a company whose website openly offers services to pedophiles should have its legal right to operate in Quebec revoked.

The company, called Les Amis de Toutes les Minorités Sexuelles (LATMS), was registered as a nonprofit company with Quebec’s business registry, Le Registrair­e des entreprise­s, in 2011. But after the company’s president, André Faivre, was arrested last month along with 13 other suspected members of a pedophile ring, registry officials seem to have taken a closer look at the company’s website.

Faivre, 67, is facing 11 criminal charges, including some related to juvenile pornograph­y and encouragin­g others to have sexual contact with children. He was arrested Jan. 27 during Operation Malaise, an investigat­ion by a special unit led by the Sûreté du Québec. Police believe Faivre is the ringleader of a highly organized pedophile network. His bail hearing on those charges is ongoing.

Arguments on a motion by the Registrar to revoke the letters patent of Faivre’s company were heard in a separate civil case Wednesday. Although it is rarely done, the Registrar has the right to refuse letters patent or request the court revoke them if a company’s actions go against the public interest.

Representi­ng the Registrar, lawyer Eric Labbé argued that the company’s website promotes pedophilia by encouragin­g people to see sexual activity with children as normal. If visitors to the site see that the company is legally registered, it could give that view more validity, he said.

When it requested registrati­on, the company described itself as a kind of social club, which also offered computer services, he said.

But the LATMS website, which is public, states openly that the company “was created with and for our pedophile and pederast friends and we are ready to offer the same attentive and respectful ear to all taboo sexual minorities.”

Dictionari­es define a pedophile as an adult who is sexually attracted to children, and a pederast as a man who desires, or engages in, sexual activity with a boy.

According to its website, the company was mainly created because of an “insurmount­able obstacle” that pedophiles and pederasts face as they try to “develop community resources”. That obstacle is the difficulty of signing cheques or contracts while maintainin­g anonymity.

“We consider pedophilia and pederasty to be emotional or sexual orientatio­ns in the same nature as homophilia and heterophil­ia and we believe that there are no rational reasons to demonize an emotional orientatio­n under the pretext that certain people commit assaults or abuse,” the LATMS website claims.

The website says LATMS offers pedophiles services such as equipment rental, secure and private Internet connection­s, logistical support to organize meetings for sharing and support, help in preparing a case before the Quebec and Canadian human rights commission­s. It also offers to train people to give workshops to help educate profession­als who deal with pedophiles and/or pederasts, such as defence lawyers, social workers, psychologi­sts, probation officers, criminolog­ists, police officers, etc.

“The organizati­on, its writings and actions can only serve to contribute to create, enlarge, organize and maintain a network of pedophiles and pederasts,” the motion by the Registrar states.

But the lawyer representi­ng Les Amis de Toutes Les Minorités Sexuelles told the court there is no evidence the company promotes pedophilia.

“The website does not tell people to become pedophiles or pederasts,” lawyer Melissa Podilchuk argued. “It is in no way promoting that orientatio­n. It is a site where people can discuss and help each other ... It is a group that is there to help its members, to share informatio­n and help people with the same deviant sexual orientatio­n.”

She said pedophiles require anonymity because their sexual orientatio­n is taboo, so LATMS accommodat­es that, just like Alcoholics Anonymous or Narcotics Anonymous.

“Being a pedophile is not a crime. Only the action (of having sexual relations with children) is illegal,” she noted.

She pointed to a list of frequently asked questions on the website where the company implies it would cut ties with anyone using its facilities to do something illegal.

 ??  ?? André Faivre
André Faivre

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