Montreal Gazette

Basic income merits closer look in Quebec

Model would replace other forms of social assistance and all the bureaucrac­y that goes with them, writes Jonathan Brun.


In June, a national referendum will decide whether Switzerlan­d moves forward with a basic income for all its citizens. In the Netherland­s, five cities are to launch pilot projects. Finland, too, has announced large-scale experiment­s. Closer to home, the idea is gaining traction at both the provincial and federal levels. This is good news.

Basic income aims to ensure no one falls below a minimum standard of living, regardless of employment status. Under the plan, all members of society receive a monthly cash transfer into their bank accounts, no conditions attached, replacing other forms of social assistance and all the bureaucrac­y that goes with it.

Premier Philippe Couillard has indicated he is serious about studying basic income as a possible model for Quebec. He has given the mandate to Employment and Social Solidarity Minister François Blais, whose book Un revenu garanti pour tous is a reference in the research community.

Federally, Jean-Yves Duclos, the minister for social programs in Justin Trudeau’s government, has said the idea is worth a look, and it has the support of many rank and file Liberal Party members. There is also a non-profit advocacy group called Basic Income Canada Network.

A shift to basic income would bring many benefits to Quebec. Here are three: 1. Simplify bureaucrac­y Technologi­cal, economic and social changes have made the administra­tion of our welfare state more difficult. Many programs have grown in inefficien­cy, and we cannot seem to shake our recurring deficits. Countless social programs and tax credits require an army of bureaucrat­s to administer. Meanwhile, the social and economic situation of recipients has not improved.

It’s time, then, to think big and simplify government operations. By consolidat­ing certain programs that currently involve cash transfers, we can create a simpler and more dynamic state while ensuring security for all. This reform would not affect existing universal programs like health care. Basic income is instead designed to replace our leaky social safety net that lets many people fall through despite our best efforts. 2. End stigmatizi­ng programs We have created many social programs that offer little incentive to return to work. In addition, these programs require constant and expensive inspection­s by government officials that are often at odds with our privacy rights. Many of these state initiative­s also have the negative impact of stigmatizi­ng the people who could benefit from them and reducing their desire to seek help. This stigmatiza­tion can lead to a downward spiral where a lack of interventi­on leads to a more complex and more costly situation for both the individual and for society.

A basic income offers the most effective solution to these stigmatizi­ng and paternalis­tic programs. 3. Offer dignity to all A wealthy and developed society like ours can afford to offer dignity to all. Our social programs share this goal, but they are simply no longer adapted to the complexity of each individual’s situation. By offering a basic income to all, we will assure that each of us can live with dignity, in the same way that the right to vote and the right to health care reinforces our shared humanity. Since basic income is added to other revenues, each person is encouraged to use the foundation that a basic income offers to more fully participat­e in society.

Pilot projects have shown that providing a basic income reduces school dropout rates and crime numbers, and benefits our health-care system.

If we want to modernize our state while ensuring effective administra­tion, a fair treatment of all and dignity for each of us, a basic income merits a closer look.

A wealthy and developed society like ours can afford to offer dignity to all.

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