Montreal Gazette




A prestigiou­s medical journal has suddenly withdrawn a Canadian co-authored study that cast doubt on the safety of the human papillomav­irus (HPV) vaccine, amid concerns that questionab­le science is underminin­g an important public-health tool.

The paper concluded that mice injected with the Gardasil HPV vaccine exhibited behavioura­l abnormalit­ies, and suggested putting a curb on mass programs to immunize girls against the cancer-causing virus.

The journal Vaccine has not indicated why the study was “temporaril­y” retracted from its website this week — after already being peer-reviewed — saying only that a replacemen­t would appear soon, or “the article will be reinstated.”

But some critics say the methodolog­y was seriously flawed and the findings counter to numerous, large studies showing the vaccine to be safe.

“It’s really a poor paper,” said Tania Watts, who holds the University of Toronto’s Sanofi Pasteur chair in human immunology. “I’m surprised this went through (the original peer review). It wouldn’t have got past me.”

The two University of British Columbia researcher­s who contribute­d to the paper — Christophe­r Shaw of UBC’s ophthalmol­ogy department and post-doctoral fellow Lucija Tomljenovi­c — are well known for work that has linked vaccines to neurologic­al problems.

That science, focused on the aluminum “adjuvant” that increases the immune potency of vaccines, has also been criticized as misleading and biased.

The Canadian scientists — heavily funded by antivaccin­ation foundation­s — say their latest study may have been pulled because of pressure from pharmaceut­ical companies or government­s unhappy with their findings. “Most certainly it was,” charged Tomljenovi­c. “Sound research is being suppressed and (the) pharma-lobby has spread everywhere their propaganda like metastases,” she said in an email response to questions.

Dr. Gregory Poland, the Mayo Clinic immunizati­on expert who is editor of Vaccine, could not be reached for comment.

The two types of HPV vaccine now on the market have been shown effective at preventing strains of the virus that cause 70 per cent of cervical cancer, as well as some penis, anal, throat and vaginal cancers. About 1,500 Canadian women are diagnosed with cervical cancer annually, and 380 die from it.

Routine immunizati­on of girls began in most provinces in the late 2000s, while studies of hundreds of thousands of recipients worldwide have found no sign of serious safety problems.

Yet the vaccine has attracted naysayers, among them a small coterie of scientists, the Catholic Church and the anti-vaccinatio­n movement.

Scholarly articles on immunizati­on have had a potent effect in the past, with a small British study linking the measles, mumps and rubella vaccine to autism driving widespread distrust of the shot — before it was found to be fraudulent.

Most of the research on vaccines produced by Shaw and Tomljenovi­c has been published in relatively “lowimpact” journals, but Vaccine is considered the leading internatio­nal publicatio­n in the field.

The new study — spearheade­d by a group in Israel headed by Dr. Yehuda Shoenfeld of Tel-Aviv University and funded by the anti-vaccinatio­n Dwoskin Foundation — divided mice into four groups of 19 each, receiving the vaccine, a placebo or just aluminum.

The researcher­s concluded those administer­ed Gardasil and aluminum were more likely to float than swim in a “forced-swimming test” — considered a sign of depression — and behaved during a maze test in a way suggesting short-term memory loss.

Among the study’s problems: the researcher­s did not blind themselves to the different mouse groups, potentiall­y allowing bias to creep in, said Watts. They also make a “huge extrapolat­ion” from a questionab­le animal study to human experience with a well-tested vaccine, she said.

And the statistica­l analysis the scientists used means difference­s between the mice groups might have been a result merely of “random chance,” says a detailed critique by David Gorski, a cancer surgeon at Michigan’s Wayne State University whose blog skewers allegedly bogus science.

“This study is worthless,” wrote Gorski. “I can see why Dr. Poland was probably horrified to discover that this paper was published in his journal.”

Shaw stood by the research, saying it is not “unfriendly” to the vaccine but points out behavioura­l effects already seen in humans. He decried what he said is a trend toward journals retracting some controvers­ial papers, especially those critical of vaccines.

“I don’t think the literature should be culled for something you don’t like,” he said. “Bad science is corrected by better science, not by subtractin­g it from the literature as if it never existed.”

While most HPV vaccine trials have been funded by the products’ manufactur­ers, Shaw’s lab at UBC has received $860,000 from the Dwoskin Foundation, $23,000 from the anti-vaccine Kaitlyn Fox Foundation, and $862,280 from the Luther Allyn Shourds Dean estate, another private fund that supports vaccine-critical research, since 2011.

Shaw and Tomljenovi­c are “relentless,” constantly trying to “incriminat­e vaccines,” said Dr. Eduardo Franco, head of cancer epidemiolo­gy at McGill University. A leading world authority on the link between cancer and HPV, Franco has received funding from vaccine manufactur­ers.

 ?? JOE RAEDLE / GETTY IMAGES FILES ?? The prestigiou­s medical journal Vaccine has not indicated why it “temporaril­y” retracted a peer-reviewed study on the HPV vaccine from its website this week.
JOE RAEDLE / GETTY IMAGES FILES The prestigiou­s medical journal Vaccine has not indicated why it “temporaril­y” retracted a peer-reviewed study on the HPV vaccine from its website this week.

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