Montreal Gazette

‘ We’re moving forward,’ Couillard states

Premier defends his political team in wake of arrests


Premier Philippe Couillard continued on Friday to distance himself from the previous Liberal government a day after the arrest of ex- deputy premier Nathalie Normandeau.

Normandeau was one of seven people arrested by the province’s anti- corruption unit in an alleged scheme that saw political financing and gifts exchanged for lucrative government contracts.

Couillard said the rules surroundin­g political party financing have completely changed since Normandeau’s time in public life.

“There are always things to improve, notably in party financing, we’ve seen it, but now we’re moving forward,” Couillard said.

Although he would not comment directly on Normandeau’s arrest, he said it would be wrong to cast suspicion on members of his team who worked alongside her.

“I will say that it’s very bad to do any attempt of establishi­ng any kind of direct or indirect guilt by associatio­n,” he said.

Normandeau, 48, served as a Liberal member of the legislatur­e from 1998 to 2011.

During that time, she served as a cabinet minister in various portfolios, including municipal affairs, natural resources and Canadian intergover­nmental affairs. She served as deputy premier under Charest from 2007 to 2011.

Couillard was a member of the legislatur­e and a cabinet minister under then- premier Jean Charest between 2003 and 2008 before quitting politics. He became Liberal leader in 2013 and premier in 2014.

Normandeau will face charges of fraud, conspiracy, corruption and breach of trust.

Maxime Roy, a lawyer for Normandeau, has said she intends to plead not guilty. The case returns to court April 20.

In the wake of the arrests, Couillard’s opponents have insisted he take more responsibi­lity for what happened under the last Liberal government.

Parti Québécois Leader Pierre Karl Péladeau said Friday associatio­ns have developed between engineerin­g firms and the political world and that a cleanup is necessary.

Others pointed out the premier and several members of his team were in office before the Liberal party abandoned a policy of asking each minister to provide $ 100,000 a year in fundraisin­g.

The party has since capped donations at $ 100 per person per year and brought in internal protocols to deal with raising money.

Couillard defended his team Friday, saying they were in politics to serve society and the common good.

He said he has not received any informatio­n about the continuing investigat­ion because the anti- corruption unit is independen­t.

“I’m not aware at all of what is going on in terms of inquiries, investigat­ions, and it has to be that way,” he said.

“And if anyone has any doubts about the independen­ce of the process, I think it’s hard today to have any doubts of that kind.”

 ?? RYA N R E MI O R Z / T H E C A NA D I A N P R E S S ?? Premier Philippe Couillard cautions against “direct or indirect guilt by associatio­n.”
RYA N R E MI O R Z / T H E C A NA D I A N P R E S S Premier Philippe Couillard cautions against “direct or indirect guilt by associatio­n.”

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