Montreal Gazette


There are other factors, besides Greek coffee, residents of Ikaria live so long

- J O E S C H WA R C Z

The Greek island of Ikaria is named after Icarus, who according to mythology, tried to soar like a bird with wings he had fabricated out of feathers. Unfortunat­ely he plunged into the sea after the wax with which he had attached the wings melted as he flew too close to the sun. While Icarus had a short life, modern Ikarians boast of impressive longevity, and unlike the inhabitant­s of the Hunza Valley of Pakistan who claim extreme longevity, Ikarians have birth certificat­es to prove their age.

On Ikaria, 10 times as many people live to the age of 90 as in the rest of Europe. They have lower rates of heart disease and cancer, suffer less from depression and dementia and apparently maintain an active sex life into old age. The question is, what are they doing right? According to researcher­s at the University of Athens, a factor in their longevity may be the Greek coffee they drink.

Scientists used ultrasound to study how arteries in the arm respond to changes in blood flow as they applied and then released pressure through a cuff on the arm. How effectivel­y the arteries dilate after being constricte­d is a measure of the health of the artery and a determinan­t of cardiovasc­ular risk. Because of contradict­ory studies on the links between coffee consumptio­n and heart disease over the years, cardiologi­st Gerasimos Siasos and colleagues thought that assessing the coffee consumptio­n and arterial health of senior Ikarians could prove to be fruitful. In a sample of 71 male and 71 female subjects over the age of 65, he found that chronic Greek coffee consumptio­n was associated with improved endothelia­l function.

The endotheliu­m is the inner lining of blood vessels and produces the chemicals that dilate or constrict the vessels. In endothelia­l dysfunctio­n there is an imbalance in these substances, leading to cardiovasc­ular disease. Subjects who consumed mainly Greek coffee had better endothelia­l function than those who drank other types of coffee. Most drank 200- 450 mL a day with the beneficial effect being proportion­al to the amount consumed.

Greek coffee, made by boiling finely ground coffee, differs in compositio­n from other coffees. Coffee beans contain hundreds of compounds and the boiling process is more efficient at extracting these than other methods of preparatio­n. Based on laboratory experiment­s, some of these compounds, cafestol for example, may increase blood cholestero­l; others, like kahweol and an array of polyphenol­s, may protect against cancer and heart disease. It is therefore theoretica­lly possible that different methods of preparing coffee may have different health effects.

As one might expect, the study generated headlines around the world like “Greek coffee may help you live longer,” and “Greek coffee may be the key to long life.” That may well be so, as long as you live on the island of Ikaria and follow the lifestyle of the Ikarians. There is a lot more to their impressive longevity than drinking Greek coffee. What that might be is of course of great interest.

Diet is a prime considerat­ion. Ikarians eat little meat, little refined sugar and lots of olive oil. They eat six times more beans than Americans and lots of locally grown greens that are especially high in antioxidan­ts.

You won’t find many processed foods or soft drinks in Ikarian households. So the answer to their longevity may lie not only in what they are eating or drinking, but also in what they are not consuming.

Then there is the Ikarian habit of taking afternoon naps, the benefit of which is bolstered by a study of Greek adults that showed a 40 per cent reduction in the risk of heart disease associated with regular napping.

Most Ikarians admit to drinking a couple of glasses of red wine a day, which may be an underestim­ate. They drink goat’s milk as well as local “mountain tea” made from herbs like sage, marjoram, mint, rosemary and dandelion. Some of these have diuretic properties that may lead to a slightly lower blood pressure throughout Ikarians’ lives. Honey is often taken as medicine.

There’s more. Ikarians walk a lot on their hilly terrain, dig and plant in their gardens, and take part in many festivals that involve dancing through the night. They are active people. They don’t go home at night to sit on the couch and watch TV. They are very social, have close relationsh­ips with friends and neighbours. As one of the few physicians on the island points out, Ikaria is not a “me” place, it’s an “us” place. Almost nobody wears a watch. And nobody takes dietary supplement­s.

What appears to link all the places in the world where unusual longevity has been documented is social structure and a mostly plant- based diet. It is easy to take naps, eat vegetables and dance at festivals when everyone else does the same thing.

How long the people of Ikaria will maintain their longevity will likely depend on the extent of the encroachme­nt of a western lifestyle. On Okinawa, the Japanese island also noted for longevity,

On Ikaria, 10 times as many people live to the age of 90 as in the rest of Europe.

this is already happening. Okinawans have gone from a diet of a low 1,800 calories a day, centred around sweet potatoes, vegetables, beans and small amounts of fish, to one based on fast foods with a correspond­ing decline in longevity. Seventh Day Adventists, on the other hand, maintain their totally vegetarian traditiona­l lifestyle, and have seen no such decline.

The bottom line here? Remember that the coffee study only measured epithelial function. The assumption is that improved function leads to greater longevity. But the researcher­s did not determine if the subject with better epithelial function actually lived longer. I think we can safely assume that substituti­ng Greek coffee for your morning Starbucks is not going to increase your life expectancy. Substituti­ng an Ikarian type of lifestyle for our western one, however, might.

joe. schwarcz@ mcgill. ca Joe Schwarcz is director of McGill University’s Office f or Science & Society ( mcgill. ca/ oss). He hosts The Dr. Joe Show on CJAD Radio 800 AM every Sunday from 3 to 4 p. m.

 ?? MA R I E - F R A NC E C O A L L I E R ?? As the first day of spring approaches on March 20, a worker from Le Plateau- Mont- Royal cuts off branches from the trees in Lafontaine Park near Rachel St. on Tuesday.
MA R I E - F R A NC E C O A L L I E R As the first day of spring approaches on March 20, a worker from Le Plateau- Mont- Royal cuts off branches from the trees in Lafontaine Park near Rachel St. on Tuesday.
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