Montreal Gazette

Mike Ward has found an audience for his cruel humour

His fans enabled ‘shock’ comic’s verbal bullying of a handicappe­d adolescent

- DON MACPHERSON domacphers­

Four decades ago, pressure from Quebecers forced authoritie­s to halt clandestin­e “freak shows” in small-town bars where mentally handicappe­d people were put on stage to be jeered by mostly young spectators.

We have since grown more tolerant of cruelty in the guise of humour. Now, as shown by the trial of Mike Ward, the laughter of a much larger audience encourages a famous stand-up comic to lead the verbal bullying by name of an adolescent made especially vulnerable by a deforming physical handicap.

It was that vulnerabil­ity, along with Jérémy Gabriel’s modest celebrity as an aspiring singer, that made him a target for Ward’s “shock” comedy.

As related in the Quebec human-rights tribunal’s decision against Ward, the comic included jokes about Gabriel’s handicap in a routine on personalit­ies who are “untouchabl­e” because they are rich, influentia­l, or, in Gabriel’s case, weak. In the topsy-turvy view of Ward and other comics, mocking someone’s handicap is “inclusiven­ess.”

To Ward, all that mattered is that his jokes made audiences laugh, from when he first tried them out in bars.

They kept laughing, through 230 shows that sold 135,000 tickets over three years. A DVD of Ward’s show containing the jokes sold about 7,500 copies.

Gabriel was 13 when his classmates began tormenting him with Ward’s jokes about his appearance, leading him, he said, to have suicidal thoughts.

Two years after Ward began telling the jokes in 2010, Gabriel and his parents complained to the Quebec human-rights commission, which accused Ward before the tribunal of violating the province’s rights charter by discrimina­ting against Gabriel on the basis of his handicap.

Last month, tribunal judge Scott Hughes rejected Ward’s “just kidding” defence and ordered him to pay Gabriel and his mother a total of $42,000 in moral and punitive damages. Ward’s lawyer, Julius Grey, immediatel­y announced that he would appeal the judgment.

The complaint and resulting judgment are far from an ideal response to Ward’s bullying.

In the case of Ward himself, the judgment has backfired. Instead of being deterred, he promptly defied the tribunal by repeating the offending jokes at Montreal’s annual Just For Laughs comedy festival.

Ward, who performs in English as well as French, boasted that the publicity from the case has been worth far more than the $93,000 he said it had already cost him in legal fees, making him famous internatio­nally. Last May, it helped him get voted by the public as Quebec’s comic of the year.

Despite his website’s boast that his last tour grossed more than $5 million in Quebec alone, he made a crowdfundi­ng appeal to help pay his legal fees.

Apparently, though, his fans will pay him to make them laugh, but not to defend himself in court for doing so. After slightly less than two weeks, he had received fewer than 1,500 donations.

The comic appears to take himself seriously as a martyr to the cause of freedom of expression, quoting Pastor Niemoller on Nazi persecutio­n: “First they came for the Socialists, and I did

not speak out — because I was not a Socialist …”

Ward’s own persecutio­n falls well short of internment in a concentrat­ion camp. In addition to the fine, which it appears he can well afford, he and his fellow comics may have to work a little harder for their laughs; Scott’s judgment draws the line at jokes about Gabriel’s handicap specifical­ly, but otherwise, he remains fair game.

But Ward does have a point. The publicity arising from his case amounts to an invitation to try your luck with the rights commission if somebody tells a joke — or writes a newspaper column — that hurts your self-esteem.

Not only minorities are eligible, since everybody is a member of some group protected by the Quebec charter against discrimina­tion.

And unlike a lawsuit for defamation, it won’t cost you a cent for legal representa­tion.

It’s because they couldn’t afford to hire a lawyer that Gabriel’s parents turned to the commission. But then who else was going to stand up for their child? Certainly not Ward’s enabling audience.

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