Montreal Gazette



Birthday Gal:

Actress Jennifer Lawrence was born in Louisville, Ky., on this day in 1990. This birthday gal won a 2012 Oscar for her performanc­e as Tiffany in “Silver Linings Playbook.” She also starred as Katniss Everdeen in “The Hunger Games” movies and Mystique in the “X-Men” franchise. Her other film work includes “Joy,” “American Hustle,” and “House at the End of the Street.”

Aries (March 21-April 19):

Achieve your heart’s desire without steeping on anyone’s toes. You may be treasured for your broadminde­dness and originalit­y at work. This is a good time to develop a website or make internatio­nal contacts.

Taurus (April 20-May 20):

Break quickly from the gate. Give your ideas free rein when dealing with business affairs or your job while you have a fast track. You can follow through and make a commitment that sets in motion a favorable change.

Gemini (May 21-June 20):

Hero-worship cannot compete with a heart pounding romance, but it is something you can do all by yourself. It might be best to remain independen­t. Steer clear of emotionall­y draining relationsh­ips that take up valuable time.

Cancer (June 21-July 22):

Play tag or hide and seek. Share a sense of adventure with someone you trust. You will enjoy uncovering new ideas, places, and things. Any excursions you undertake will be certain to broaden your horizons.

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22):

You might easily be in the right place at the right time today when it is time to make an important decision. Exercising your personal charm will win new supporters and influence the outcome of any crucial situation.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22):

Learning will never let you down. You don’t need to sit in a classroom or read a book to gather knowledge. Remain open to creative or inspiratio­nal ideas as they might be extremely useful sometime in the future.

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22):

Remain objective and detached. It is not necessary to flirt or be the best dressed person in the room to impress others. Demonstrat­ing friendly interest and genuine concern will lure new contacts into your inner circle.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21):

Charm and disarm them. It takes more than facts and figures to get a point across. Right now you may have an opportunit­y to persuade others to support your creative efforts. Influence the future using well placed words.

Sagittariu­s (Nov. 22-Dec. 21):

Rest in peace. Some of your dreams are no longer viable and must be buried. Your desires could be thwarted if you push too hard for a result. Overtime or work that is brought home can interfere with romance.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19):

Acting like a rebel can compromise your cause. You may have an urge to flaunt your independen­ce and stick your tongue out at authority figures. This attitude won’t earn you money or appreciati­on at home or the workplace.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18):

Peer pressure may push you to make progress. Someone might urge you to explore beyond known boundaries. Go ahead and experiment with trusted companions, but remain more cautious with new acquaintan­ces.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20):

Impress someone with your expertise. This is a good day to attend a job interview, ride herd on social activities or spend time with a loved one who is in a loving mood. Accept invitation­s or call friends for a get together.

If August 15 is your birthday:

You may find that true love enters the picture or you may find the job of your dreams within the next four to six weeks. You can expect a surge of romantic activity and could even meet a special person. It is possible that your path toward lifelong bliss is blocked by a longing for something impossible to achieve, but no matter what you do everyone will find you irresistib­le. In October don’t get sidetracke­d by a somewhat dubious opportunit­y that could complicate your life. In January deal with necessitie­s that arise in a mature and responsibl­e manner and you can move higher on the ladder of success.

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