Montreal Gazette

Study finds pot improves night vision — in tadpoles


Montreal researcher­s have found a new role for cannabinoi­ds. The active ingredient in marijuana — which is also naturally present in the human body — seems to improve night vision in vertebrate­s.

The study by a multidisci­plinary team including researcher­s from the Montreal Neurologic­al Institute looked at changes in tadpole retinas after exposure to cannabinoi­ds.

“We didn’t believe what we were seeing — exactly the opposite of what we expected,” said neurologis­t Ed Ruthazer, of the Montreal Neurologic­al Institute of McGill University, and the paper’s senior author.

Researcher­s expected to find the drug would inhibit the tadpoles’ retinal ganglion cells (RGCs), which are responsibl­e for transmitti­ng informatio­n about light detection from the eye to the brain.

“But the cannabinoi­ds were increasing the excitabili­ty of cells in the eye that connects to the brain,” Ruthazer said. One class of cannabinoi­d receptor, known as CB1, fired at higher frequencie­s allowing the tadpoles swimming in a petri dish to see better and flee predators in low light conditions, he explained.

Published on Aug. 8 in the journal eLife, a peer-reviewed open-access scientific journal for biomedical and life sciences, the study adds to the understand­ing of cannabinoi­ds and brain function.

It’s not known whether the same mechanism in the frog eye applies to human eyes, Ruthazer said, however, structural­ly, there is an evolutiona­ry link.

While it’s too early to say whether cannabinoi­ds have the same effect on mammals, and specifical­ly human vision, some evidence in the scientific literature suggests that it may.

Although some people find that smoking pot makes their vision fuzzy, anecdotal evidence from a 2004 study documented an improvemen­t in night vision among Jamaican fishermen, and Moroccan fishermen and mountain dwellers.

A 2014 study in rats by Pedro Lax of Alicante, Spain found the drug protects against degenerati­on of the retina by preserving its cones and rods, the structure of the eye that responds to light.

Last year on ResearchGa­te, a website that connects millions of science-minded researcher­s, a blind Harvard University student posted a note about her paper, Mending The Mirror, describing how marijuana “gives me some access to vision by stimulatin­g the endocannab­inoid system found in the retina and brain. I would like to know if marijuana has improved the vision of others with retinal blinding diseases,” and seeking collaborat­ors for further research on the topic.

Beyond a key role in vision, Ruthazer says he is excited his team has discovered a previously unknown role for cannabinoi­ds in brain signalling. With greater focus on medical marijuana, accurate informatio­n on how cannabinoi­ds alter the way cells interact is crucial, he said. The next step, he said, would be testing the signalling mechanism in mouse models and in human retinas grown or cultured from stem cells.

Ruthazer’s study got funding from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research, Fonds de recherche du Québec — Santé, Épilepsie Canada, and a Natural Sciences and Engineerin­g Research Council CREATE Neuroengin­eering Training Grant.

 ?? DR. LOÔS MIRAUCOURT ?? A tadpole eye stained to reveal cannabinoi­d receptors (red) and a single cell (green) at greater magnificat­ion.
DR. LOÔS MIRAUCOURT A tadpole eye stained to reveal cannabinoi­d receptors (red) and a single cell (green) at greater magnificat­ion.

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