Montreal Gazette

Planting the seed

Extreme-gardening breakthrou­ghs are revolution­izing world food production, write Craig and Marc Kielburger.

- HOUSTON, WE’RE READY FOR HARVEST Craig and Marc Kielburger are the co-founders of the WE movement, which includes WE Charity, ME to WE Social Enterprise and WE Day.

Greenhouse­s in the Arctic Circle. Underwater farms. Tomatoes growing on the moon.

It sounds like science fiction, but the fruits of these projects could soon be in your crisper drawer, or on the menu of that trendy gastropub you’ve been meaning to try.

Food demands on our planet will double by 2050, when the population is set to reach 9.7 billion. With the global dinner table getting crowded, and the planet running out of arable land, it’s going to take some extreme gardening to keep everyone fed.

These breakthrou­ghs could herald the future of food production.


If you thought keeping oregano alive on your windowsill was hard, imagine growing kale north of the 66th parallel. Arctic soil is rocky, temperatur­es are frigid and some days offer only two to three hours of sunlight. As a result, the price tag on imported produce in Nunavut is routinely double to triple that in the rest of Canada, making fresh veggies unaffordab­le for many.

But not for long. Students from Toronto’s Ryerson University have built an igloo-shaped greenhouse that grows crops with just a few hours of daily sunlight. Solar power regulates temperatur­e, and the igloo’s dome shape can withstand highspeed winds and heavy snow.

After a successful test crop of kale, there are plans to provide fresh food for the entire town of Naujaat, Nunavut. The greenhouse could be the first prototype to supply local produce in the Arctic — big news for food production in the North.


Speaking of kale, algae is the new superfood. Rich in iron, protein and vitamins, algae have an edge over traditiona­l crops: they grow in extreme temperatur­es, low-nutrient environmen­ts, and even total darkness. They can also grow in water — 71 per cent of the planet’s surface that’s currently overlooked as farmland.

Industrial algae production is still being researched, but new advancemen­ts are dropping the cost of harvesting algae as both food and biofuel. According to one estimate, algae farming could be a competitiv­e industry as early as 2020.

Craving algae today? You can order a home-farming kit online for US$69. Or forget to clean your fish tank for a week. Next time you order takeout, why not try Martian? University of Arizona scientists built a greenhouse designed to sprout veggies on the moon and Mars.

The undergroun­d enclosure uses sodium vapour lamps to grow crops in nutrient-rich water instead of soil. Thirty days later, you have tomatoes, potatoes, peanuts and peppers for stir-fry night on the lunar base.

But we’re excited by the potential applicatio­ns of this technology on Earth.

The greenhouse can be collapsed to a four-foot (1.2-metre) disc and set up in 10 minutes, making it easy to ship to remote communitie­s. Because it’s designed to withstand solar flares, meteorites and radiation, disaster areas in need of aid could easily be served.


With the right technology, foodinsecu­re communitie­s could become tomorrow’s agricultur­al centres.

Take Eor Ewuaso, a community where the charity we founded engages partners in arid rural Kenya, where local farmers adapt techniques to available resources. Volunteer agronomist­s and experts from Canadian-based PotashCorp introduced polyethyle­ne sheeting (think big garbage bags) to lay under the topsoil. The plastic collects moisture, which creates a microclima­te capable of growing nutrient-rich crops that would otherwise never survive the climate.

Imagine what these small-hold farmers could do with access to greenhouse tech designed for harsh environmen­ts.

We’re optimistic that extreme gardening is more than a gimmick. Solutions for farming in challengin­g climates have exciting applicatio­ns for emerging economies, where growing conditions are challengin­g and arable land is hard to find. Remove those barriers, and it’s not just farms and families that flourish — the planet does.

 ?? RYERSON UNIVERSITY ?? Ryerson University student Ben Canning founded Growing North, which built an igloo-shaped greenhouse in Naujaat, Nunavut.
RYERSON UNIVERSITY Ryerson University student Ben Canning founded Growing North, which built an igloo-shaped greenhouse in Naujaat, Nunavut.
 ?? NICOLAS ADOURI/AFP/GETTY IMAGES ?? Proponents of the edible algae spirulina say it could provide a sustainabl­e source of protein.
NICOLAS ADOURI/AFP/GETTY IMAGES Proponents of the edible algae spirulina say it could provide a sustainabl­e source of protein.

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