Montreal Gazette

Thief preys on cemetery visitors

Man on bicycle suspected of breaking into nearby parked cars


A woman whose purse was stolen as she tended to the graves of relatives on Mount Royal fears that a thief on a bicycle is stealing from unsuspecti­ng visitors.

The woman goes to the Notre-Dame-des-Neiges cemetery several times a week to water flowers that she places at her brother’s and father’s graves. On a visit earlier this month, she walked back to her locked car and noticed that the front passenger’s window of her RAV4 had been smashed “into a thousand pieces.”

Her purse, which she had placed under the front seat, was gone, along with two cellphones, credit cards, her passport, identifica­tion and several hundred dollars in cash. Two cemetery workers, who were about 100 feet away from her car, didn’t see or hear anything. However, they told her that “a similar event happened before.”

When the woman called the cemetery office to report the crime the following day, she said an employee who answered the telephone didn’t seem surprised.

“She said they’re aware that someone is going around on a bicycle and is snatching purses,” said the woman, who didn’t want her name published because the thief had access to her identifica­tion. “She said they have some kind of picture of him but can’t identify him.”

The theft occurred not far from the Remembranc­e Rd. entrance to the cemetery, opposite Beaver Lake. After stealing her purse, the thief raced down the mountain and managed to make six purchases of just under $100 in stores along Mont-Royal Blvd. in the Plateau. “He tapped my Visa six times in about 30 minutes and the amounts were for about $97 and $93,” she said. “This has to be organized. You can’t fill up a cart in stores that are several blocks apart so quickly. There must have been someone waiting with the cart close to the checkout.”

The woman later learned that Visa blocked her card because of irregular purchases.

The woman said she left a message with a senior manager at the cemetery to discuss the theft but her call was never returned.

She said she is speaking out because she was unsatisfie­d with the management’s response and she wants the public to know that they need to secure their belongings when they visit the cemetery.

“I thought they should be more concerned about it,” she said. “Those graves are costly and you shouldn’t have to be worried about being robbed in a graveyard.”

An employee who works at the cemetery told the Montreal Gazette that a foreman told staff recently to keep an eye out for the cyclist. “There was something about it on our radio,” said the employee, who said he often reminds visitors to lock their cars. “People think they are alone in the cemetery, but they’re not.”

About 10 days after the theft, the victim received a call from a woman in Outremont saying her purse, and the purse of another woman, had been dumped in a wooded area near de la Forêt Rd., just north of the cemetery. Several of her personal items were inside the purse, although they were wet.

“When I told this woman what had happened, she said the other woman (who also had her purse stolen) had the exact same story,” the woman recalled. “The woman had been (close) to her car when the thief struck.”

This summer, a Montreal Gazette employee found a large stash of personal belongings (such as car keys and identifica­tion cards) that had been dumped beside an abandoned house in Mount Royal Cemetery, which is adjacent to Notre-Dame-des-Neiges.

A security guard patrols the Notre-Dame-des-Neiges cemetery in a well-marked car but the victim said the thief is unlikely to strike when the guard is in the vicinity. The woman said she would like the administra­tion to notify people of the thefts so it doesn’t happen to someone else.

“There should be signs telling people to protect their property,” she said.

Alexandre Goncalves, operations manager at the Mount Royal Cemetery, said there have been a handful of thefts this summer from locked cars parked at the funeral complex. He said he has heard reports of a thief on a bicycle but is not sure whether the same person has been committing thefts at both cemeteries.

He urged anyone visiting the cemetery to ensure that valuable items are not visible to anyone looking inside a car. “Even in a cemetery, people have bad intentions,” he said. “People should keep the items with themselves or out of sight.”

Montreal police Commander Mohamed Bouhdid with Station 26 in Côte-des-Neiges said people should put valuables in the trunk of their cars before they leave home and not when they get to their destinatio­n. Police have reports of seven thefts at the cemeteries, Bouhdid said.

Officials at the Notre-Damede-Neiges cemetery didn’t return phone calls from the Montreal Gazette.

 ?? DARIO AYALA ?? Heather, not her real name, at the Notre-Dame-des-Neiges Cemetery. She recently had her car broken into and her purse stolen as she watered flowers at the gravesite of her brother and father in the middle of the afternoon at the cemetery.
DARIO AYALA Heather, not her real name, at the Notre-Dame-des-Neiges Cemetery. She recently had her car broken into and her purse stolen as she watered flowers at the gravesite of her brother and father in the middle of the afternoon at the cemetery.
 ?? POSTMEDIA NEWS FILES ?? A stash of personal items found in July at Mount Royal Cemetery, not far from the Chemin de la Forêt entrance.
POSTMEDIA NEWS FILES A stash of personal items found in July at Mount Royal Cemetery, not far from the Chemin de la Forêt entrance.

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