Montreal Gazette

Group launches consultati­on tour

Non-partisan entity keeps door open to creating new political party


The Quebec personalit­ies who are launching a province-wide consultati­on on how to steer Quebec further down the road of social democracy and away from austerity have left the door wide open to creating a new political party.

And while most members of the group are not shying away from their personal Quebec independen­ce conviction­s, they say the group chinwag being kicked off will be non-partisan and open to all, including minorities.

“I am not giving you a scoop in saying here today I am still sovereigni­st,” Jean-Martin Aussant, a key organizer of the consultati­on process, said at a Montreal news conference. “We will listen to people who want to come and tell us why it’s (independen­ce) not a good idea just as much as those who say they are anxious for it to happen. So in that sense it’s non-partisan. Everyone is welcome in this.”

Aussant is a former Parti Québécois MNA who left the party to found his own hardline sovereigni­st party, Option nationale. His name figured prominentl­y on the recent short list of potential successors to former PQ leader Pierre Karl Péladeau.

We are … sympatheti­c to the idea of Quebec’s independen­ce, but we want to hear from everyone — especially people who do not agree with us.

And La Presse reported Wednesday that after turning his back on the PQ five years ago, Aussant recently re-joined the party and has a membership card. He now works as general manager of the Chantier de l’économie sociale, which promotes social economy projects.

The message was similar from another organizer, former student activist leader Gabriel Nadeau-Dubois, who now works as an author and media commentato­r.

He said it would have been dishonest and hypocritic­al to not say up front what they believe in at the start of the consultati­on process.

“We say, yes we are progressiv­es, we are not hiding it,” Nadeau-Dubois said. “If people disagree with these conclusion­s we want to hear from them. If people once were in favour of independen­ce but are not now, we want to know why. If people never have been, we want to know why, too.

“Our project is transparen­t. Our project is honest. We are progressiv­es. We are, in different ways, sympatheti­c to the idea of Quebec’s independen­ce, but we want to hear from everyone — especially people who do not agree with us.”

Unlike Aussant, Nadeau-Dubois has never actively worked for a sovereigni­st party as such, but Maïtée Labrecque-Saganash, also among the organizers at Wednesday’s launch, has worked for the PQ in the past. A student and Cree militant, she is the daughter of New Democratic Party MP Romeo Saganash.

The other members of the organizing group are Claire Bolduc, an agronomist and former president of Solidarité rurale, and Alain Vadeboncoe­ur, an emergency medicine specialist and medical columnist.

The leaders made the remarks kicking off what will be a citizen-funded tour of the province this fall with stops in 10 different regions. The goal is to detour Quebec’s countless experts and political wonks to talk directly to regular folks — even if it means sitting down in their kitchens.

The theme of the tour will be “Faut qu’on se parle” (We need to talk).

The group’s lofty goal is to answer one fundamenta­l question: what kind of Quebec do Quebecers want and how socially progressiv­e should it be?

“We have all been in the situation where our spouse comes to see us and says, ‘Honey, we need to talk,’” Nadeau-Dubois said. “You know it’s serious when this happens. We think Quebec is in the same situation. We sense a thirst for renewal, we sense a thirst for change and a profound level of dissatisfa­ction.”

Nadeau-Dubois said even if there are already many left-leaning groups and parties in Quebec including the PQ, they rarely present a cohesive vision of society. And they feel blocked by the partisan nature of the existing parties.

“There are political parties, there are unions, there are all sorts of organizati­ons that draft progressiv­e proposals,” Nadeau-Dubois said. “But it’s pretty clear their solutions don’t garner the support of a critical mass of Quebecers.”

The group plans to have a first draft of its findings ready by this winter — in other words before the next provincial election, which will be in October 2018.

“What happens to these proposals has not been decided,” Nadeau-Dubois said. “We’re leaving all the doors open. We exclude nothing (including a party).”

 ?? PHIL CARPENTER ?? Former PQ MNA Jean-Martin Aussant, left, and former student activist leader Gabriel Nadeau-Dubois participat­e in the launch of new non-partisan political entity on Wednesday. Others in the group include Claire Bolduc, Maïtée Labrecque-Saganash and Alain Vadeboncoe­ur.
PHIL CARPENTER Former PQ MNA Jean-Martin Aussant, left, and former student activist leader Gabriel Nadeau-Dubois participat­e in the launch of new non-partisan political entity on Wednesday. Others in the group include Claire Bolduc, Maïtée Labrecque-Saganash and Alain Vadeboncoe­ur.

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