Montreal Gazette

Brother-in-law envious

- ANNIE LANE Send your questions for Annie Lane to To find out more about Annie Lane and read features by other Creators Syndicate columnists and cartoonist­s, visit the Creators Syndicate website at

Dear Annie: I come from a very close Midwestern family. I have one sister, two brothers and great parents. Every other year, we would take a family trip to the lake. As we’ve gotten older, the tradition has stayed and grown to include new family members. We all meet up, bringing our spouses and kids. The problem herein lies with my elder sister and her husband.

When I first met my brother-in-law, he was so nice and friendly to our family. He is an Aussie, and we were charmed by him. He raved about how much he loved the great outdoors and looked forward to keeping up our family tradition. After they got married, everything changed. The first year, my sister and her new husband said they couldn’t make the trip because of his work. The second time around, it was yet again because he had to work.

They just seem to make every excuse in the book not to go.

Since the wedding, we pretty much have never seen him and rarely have seen her. My brother-in-law never comes to any family functions and makes no effort to have a relationsh­ip with my parents.

I’ve talked to my brothers about this, and they think that because our brother-in-law’s parents live in Australia and he rarely gets to see them, he is jealous that our sister lives so close to her family. Is there anything that I can do to make him come around and want to come on our family trips? My elder sister was always the leader in our family, but now our fearless leader has turned into a cowardly black sheep. Black Sheep’s Sibling

Dear Black Sheep’s Sibling: It sounds as if your brother-inlaw’s true colours came out after the wedding, and they’re sickening shades of green. He is consumed by envy. If he can’t have family, then she can’t have family. This certainly does not seem like a loving marriage.

Her husband sounds — let’s put it kindly — less than perfect, but the real question is why your sister would allow this to go on. I would try talking to her one-on-one to see whether she can reach a compromise with her husband. Also make an effort to reach out to your brother-inlaw sometimes just to see how he’s doing so he feels that he’s important to you.

Dear Annie: In a recent column, you printed a letter from a man who didn’t like the friends of a woman he started seeing recently. You said: “If you don’t like this girl’s friends, then my guess is that when you get to know her better, you won’t like her.”

Well, maybe, maybe not. The situation you describe may be an evolving process, and she may well change. It is a hard call at this point. I have seen some remarkable people evolve out of an environmen­t of wacky friends because some significan­t other happens upon the scene and the person finally comes to her/his senses. Don D.

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