Montreal Gazette

OK, but what is Warren Beatty’s actual total?

- DOUG CAMILLI tellcamill­

Warren Beatty has finally bothered to deny the absurd claim that he’s been to bed with 12,775 women.

The guy was a legendary womanizer back in the day, but that oddly precise number never did make any sense, he tells the magazine of the American Associatio­n of Retired People.

The number is offered as fact in a 2010 Beatty biography by one Peter Biskind, who noted that it does not include “daytime quickies, drive-bys, casual gropings, stolen kisses …”

Beatty just laughs. “Think about it,” he told the magazine. “That would mean not just that there were multiple people a day, but that there was no repetition.”

Not quite. He’s 79 now. If he was, errr, active from age 13 until 2010, that’s about four different women a week, year-round, including after his 1992 marriage to Annette Bening. Nonsense.

Still, it would be interestin­g to know the real number.

Making retirement plans? Bill

and Hillary Clinton just spent US$1.16 million to buy the house next to their own on Old House Lane in Chappaqua, N.Y., Variety reports.

It’s on a 1.5-acre lot. The fourbedroo­m house has a modern kitchen, pecan floors, etc. The New York Post found some local who said the Clintons want to use the place as a second home for their daughter Chelsea and her family, who live in Manhattan.

Kate Hudson plans to make a record. Why not? She has some movie credits, so she must be good at everything, right?

Out plugging her movie Deepwater Horizon, she told Jimmy Fallon the other night that “I’ve always been scared of making music, because I like … music that feels really honest. I love pop music! But I write music …”

As for making an album, “I think I’m just going to do it for the sake of doing it and see how it turns out. Why not? … I’m old enough now where it doesn’t really matter anymore.

“Music is my life and it’s my first love.”

Sort of. Her father Bill Hudson (they’re estranged) was in a band, and she was married to Chris Robinson of the Black Crowes, and lived with Matt Bellamy of Muse.

She’s 37.

In all the fuss about Rocco, it’s easy to forget that Madonna has another son, David Banda. He just turned 11, which is too young to run away; he lives with her.

For his birthday, Madge gave him a piñata. Now, piñatas aren’t really a thing in Malawi, where David is from, so I guess this is an example of that modern horror “cultural appropriat­ion” (don’t get me started). But this is Madonna; she can do whatever she wants. But I digress.

Anyway this piñata was special — a likeness of Donald Trump, who I am told is running for president.

Huffington Post provides a little video clip, in which young Dave says, “No, I’m going to go for his neck and decapitate (him).”

That’s the way to bring up a kid, Madge!

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Warren Beatty
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