Montreal Gazette

This is how we help out around the house


I love doing my chores. I set the table, and clean it up after every meal. I also empty the wastepaper baskets every week, and sometimes make my bed. Annika Verpaelst, Grade 2, St. Gabriel School

The chores I do everyday are simple indeed! I help my parents make the bed. I take care of my little brother and help him clear up his toys. I clean up after myself after every meal. I help my parents when they ask me to get this thing and that. Rohan Sengupta, Grade 3, École du Petit Collège

Little chores I do at home are setting the dinner table, fixing my bed and cleaning my room. I sometimes help my mom with the dishes and the house. I take care of my little brother, but I don’t consider it a job, because I like taking care of him. Alessandra Lamorte, Grade 4, Michelange­lo Internatio­nal

The little jobs I do around the house are setting the dinner table, washing dishes and fixing my bed. I also pick up after myself. Lucas Gennarelli, Grade 5, Michelange­lo Internatio­nal

I usually clean the table and my room. I also take care of my very little sister. I take out the garbage and empty out the dishwasher every single night. Rohan Badeau, Grade 5, Michelange­lo Internatio­nal

My mom makes me take out the trash. She makes me clean my room every Saturday morning. I also set the dinner table and help my sister with the living room floor. Carina Ciardulli, Grade 4, Michelange­lo Internatio­nal

I set the table, clean my room, wash dishes and empty out the dishwasher. Emma Mantello, Grade 5, Michelange­lo Internatio­nal

Every weekend I do laundry, vacuum, pass the mop and clean the windows. My mom makes me take out the trash. I set the table in the morning and help my parents prepare breakfast. I actually do a lot around the house and love it! David Di Girolamo, Grade 4, Michelange­lo Internatio­nal

The chores I do around the house are vacuuming, cleaning my room and doing laundry. I sometimes do the dishes. Jason Barbieri, Grade 4, Michelange­lo Internatio­nal

At home I wash dishes, clean my room and prepare my lunch. I help my mom a lot so she doesn’t have to do everything herself. Cristina Baronello, Grade 5, Michelange­lo Internatio­nal

I take out the garbage and recycling. I fix the dinner table. I fill the dishwasher and I empty it out. Cecelia Guenette, Grade 5, Michelange­lo Internatio­nal

When my little brother puts his toys all over the floor, I have to pick them up. I also vacuum. Allessandr­o Bordonaro, Grade 2, William Latter School

I shovel the driveway with my dad. We shovel and shovel. Zachary Champagne, Grade 2, William Latter School

I like to clean up. I clear the table after dinner. Amy Boismenu, Grade 2, William Latter School

I make my bed. Victoria Fortier, Grade 2, William Latter School

I vacuum in my house. I make my bed. Félix Lacasse, Grade 2, William Latter School

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