Montreal Gazette

Adam Kahane: a special brand of conflict mediator

Mediator Kahane has worked in more than 50 countries, writes Catherine Solyom.


How do you get people who hate each other — and have even tried to kill each other — to sit down and talk?

That’s the central question Adam Kahane has tried to answer throughout his career, whether in apartheid South Africa, Guatemala, Sudan or Colombia, where the world’s longest running armed conflict has displaced millions and claimed more than 200,000 lives.

A special brand of conflict mediator, Kahane is the quiet Montrealer that both Nelson Mandela and Juan Manuel Santos, Colombia’s president, credit for making peace in their countries possible — if not exactly easy.

In a referendum Oct. 2, Colombians, by an extremely slim margin, rejected the peace agreement brokered between the government and the Marxist FARC rebels that would have put an end to a war that has lasted 52 years.

The vote was 50.2 per cent for the “no” side.

Santos, who was neverthele­ss awarded the Nobel Peace Prize last month for his efforts, gave Kahane some of the credit, calling Kahane “a good friend, and a good friend of Colombia.”

Kahane, who graduated from McGill University with a degree in physics, went on to study negotiatio­n at Harvard Law School. He worked at oil and gas giant Royal Dutch Shell in London, working on social, political and economic scenarios, before becoming a partner at REOS Partners, internatio­nal consultant­s on systemic change with offices on five continents, including one in Montreal.

But despite forging peace and/ or systemic change in more than 50 countries, Kahane remains humble as a simple “guide” or “catalyst” of dialogue.

The secret, he says, is not to set out conditions and negotiate, but just to talk.

Kahane’s fourth book, Collaborat­ing with the Enemy: An Open Way to Work with People You Don’t Agree With or Like or Trust will be published in 2017.

He spoke to the Montreal Gazette from Bangkok. The following has been edited for length and clarity.

What was your role in the Colombian peace process, and why does President Santos feel it was so pivotal?

I had a small role 20 years ago, but it seems to have been useful.

I organized a meeting with the man who is now president — Juan Manuel Santos — to talk about whether a peace dialogue could be useful, with politician­s, war lords, religious leaders, business people and the guerrillas.

Santos tells this amazing story about this kerfuffle before the meeting started, between a communist leader and a paramilita­ry warlord. She says to Santos, “Do you really expect me to sit down with this man, who has tried to have me killed five times?” Santos replied: “It is precisely so that he does not do so a sixth time that I am inviting you to take your seat.”

This was the first time Santos and Colombians realized it was possible to work together with people that they didn’t agree with or like or trust. Of course it’s not easy to make peace with enemies but it can be done. It is possible to work things out together — as long as people understand it’s in their own self-interest.

Q But in a place like Colombia, where the civil war had already been going on for 30 years, how did you even get enemies to talk?

The guerrillas sent a message asking whether they had to agree to a ceasefire to participat­e with this dialogue. They turned to me as if I would have the answer. So I said no, this is not a peace negotiatio­n, but it’s about possible scenarios. There are no preconditi­ons. It turned out to be the right answer. We were not negotiatin­g, just talking about scenarios and stories about what’s possible here — what could happen here, not what should or would happen.

It turned out to be a lowthresho­ld, high-ceiling conversati­on, and a lot can happen when you start talking that way. Leaders of the FARC and the ELN (the Marxist National Liberation Army) participat­ed for the full nine days. The FARC called in from Costa Rica and the ELN called in from prison and spoke to the other participan­ts through phones hooked up to speakers.

At the first workshop someone said to me, “we’re very nervous talking to guerrillas — these are people who kidnapped and murdered people.” I then told the others that people were scared, and a guy from the ELN said, “Why are you surprised? People are frightened everywhere in Colombia and you have reproduced the whole dynamic in the country.” And yet by the end of the workshops, people (who had kept away from the phones, as if the guerrillas at the other end could somehow hurt them) would take their coffee break next to the speakerpho­ne.

By making it less important it became easier to develop common language about what’s possible. We came up with four scenarios that have been reference points for the next 20 years. Santos says they were prophetic, and now we’ve come to the last and crucial scenario, to figure this out together. “In unity lies strength.”

Q Have you been back to Colombia since then?

I’ve been to Colombia many times for other things but played no role in the peace process since then.

In 2012, Santos sponsored an initiative with the Organizati­on of American States on the drug problem in America. It was the first time all those government­s admitted there was more than one way to deal with drug problems, that the war on drugs was not the only way. So there was a hemispheri­c activity with Stephen Harper, Barack Obama and others and it really broke open one of most stuck issues.

REOS was the organizer and facilitato­r and designer. There are alternativ­es and the idea of trying out different regimes — legalizati­on, decriminal­ization, de-penalizati­on — is now happening in the U.S., Canada, Uruguay and Mexico. It was a big change including for the Canadian government, which was the most vehemently opposed to any alternativ­es but the status quo.

How did you feel when you heard that the public narrowly rejected the peace agreement?

I was surprised and disappoint­ed. I could just imagine how much more crushing it must have been for Colombians who had been working on this night and day for years and years, and now it is back to the drawing board. But I hope and expect that they will find a way through this. I worked in Guatemala after the peace treaty in 1996, South Africa in 1991-92 ( before the end of Apartheid) and South Sudan after cessation (in 2011). These agreements are just a step along a long process of reconstruc­ting how a country deals with its challenges, just like in Canada with discussion­s on aboriginal issues. Even had the peace deal passed there would still be a generation of work ahead.

One place that desperatel­y needs help getting a peace process started is Syria, where civilians, including children, continue to be bombed on a daily basis. Do you see a way forward in Syria?

When we think of a difficult situation not working out, our mind goes to extreme cases. Syria is the most extreme case. But precisely the same dynamic shows up in a muted way every day in ordinary situations, including in Montreal and Canada.

For me the lesson has been, what does it take to sit down and work things through even with people we don’t like or trust? How can we apply that to water issues, pipelines, aboriginal communitie­s, climate change, language rights, urban developmen­t? The Colombia story is important because it shows us that even in extreme situations we can find a way forward.

I share your horror and spend a lot of my time being involved where I can. But the focus on what’s happening with Syria or with (Donald) Trump or Colombia distracts us from what we have to do also in Canada, with our own intractabl­e issues.

The basic stuckness is the same as in Syria. “I can never work with those people, so I will just keep trying to force it to be the way I want it to be.”

 ?? PRESIDENCY OF COLOMBIA ?? Montrealer Adam Kahane, right, is “a good friend, and a good friend of Colombia,” says the country’s president, Juan Manuel Santos, who won the Nobel Peace Prize in October. The secret as a mediator, Kahane says, is not to set out conditions and...
PRESIDENCY OF COLOMBIA Montrealer Adam Kahane, right, is “a good friend, and a good friend of Colombia,” says the country’s president, Juan Manuel Santos, who won the Nobel Peace Prize in October. The secret as a mediator, Kahane says, is not to set out conditions and...

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