Montreal Gazette

A modern cave boy and his tablet

Picture book shaped like iPad, takes amusing look at technology obsession


It wasn’t long ago that a video made the rounds of a baby trying to swipe a magazine page the way she had learned to swipe images on a tablet computer. I remember being more appalled than amused.

But it didn’t take long for me to realize it was a sign of the times, and that baby was far from unusual.

Five years later, I can see the humour in the situation a bit more clearly, especially now that author/illustrato­r Patrick McDonnell has taken the current generation’s familiarit­y with technology and turned it on its ear, creating a tonguein-cheek picture book that will speak not only to its intended audience but also to people my age.

Tek: The Modern Cave Boy — published by Little, Brown & Co., an imprint of Hachette Book Group — has the look and shape of an iPad. Cover illustrati­on (and most of the inside pages) framed in black, the book is bound between two cardboard covers and opens to a grey screen-like image that instructs the reader to “Enter Password.”

Turn the page and that password is highlighte­d — T-E-K — and the “screen” now looks backlit and in colour, with a trio of prehistori­c critters staring at the highlighte­d letters on what is, in essence, the title page.

Turn the page again, and the story starts in classic fashion: “Once upon a time, / way, way back, / a long time ago, / or maybe yesterday, / there lived a little cave boy named” and from the accompanyi­ng illustrati­on, which shows a stone dwelling with a voice balloon, comes the word “TEK!”

The next page describes him as “your typical troglodyte child” — bearded, it’s true, “but everything was kind of hairy back then.”

And off we go, as McDonnell uses an ironic brand of humour to give us a boy holed up in a cave, “glued to his phone, his tablet, and his game box, all day, all night, all the time.”

Tek’s parents worry about their son, Mom telling Dad: “You should never have invented the Internet.”

Outside, McDonnell tells us, “the real world was evolving, but Tek couldn’t have cared less.” (The accompanyi­ng illustrati­on shows fish making their way out of the water, onto land where they grow legs and a tail, ultimately turning into what looks like a striped kitty version of a sabre-toothed tiger.)

Dinosaurs wish Tek would come out and play, and Mom and Dad try everything they can think of to get their son to go outside, but in the end only Big Poppa, the village volcano, gets any results. He erupts, and Tek’s devices — along with Tek himself — are hurled out of the cave.

Tek, “totally disconnect­ed,” crashes to the ground; when he wakes, the black border framing the pages is gone and Tek discovers there’s a whole sunny world out there — and friends with whom to enjoy it.

McDonnell’s book won’t stop babies from swiping computer tablets, but it might make the four-to-eight-year-olds think twice about spending all their time staring at a screen.

As for the older generation­s, consider slipping a copy in with that new smartphone you’re giving someone this holiday season. Just for fun.

Tek: The Modern Cave Boy

By Patrick McDonnell Little, Brown & Co., 34 pages, $20.99 Ages four to eight

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