Montreal Gazette

Possible solution in Pointe-Claire bike-path debate


The four-month battle between residents of Brigadoon Ave. and Pointe-Claire Mayor Morris Trudeau took on a life of its own at last week’s council meeting, but ultimately ended with a glimmer of hope.

The vast majority of the twohour question period was dedicated to the subject of an 800-metre bike path that would cut through city-owned land that has been cultivated for decades by homeowners as an extension of their backyards.

Resident after resident took to the microphone to question council’s decision to destroy mature landscapin­g for the bike path instead of moving it slightly north to the four-lane Hymus Blvd., which was recently upgraded to have sidewalks on both north and south sides of the street.

Trudeau repeated council’s decision that the stretch of Hymus Blvd. between Alston and Stillview Aves. is too busy to safely add a bike path to the mix.

Opponents of the project wanted to know why it was necessary to “force” the location of the bike path when no one wanted it and that even the Vélo Québec report commission­ed by the city cited Hymus Blvd. as a more easily-accessed location for the bike path.

Michael Miller, one of the more vocal opponents to the project, asked council to explain its larger vision for bike paths in the region.

“First of all, we’re not forcing a bike path on you,” Trudeau countered. “We’re building a bike path in a location which will eventually link up with other bike paths.”

Trudeau said the plan was to extend the bike path to St-Jean Blvd. and then link it to other paths leading all the way to Sources Blvd.

Architect and Brigadoon bikepath opponent Charles Brunet said he was baffled.

“The point of the project should be to connect the dots in the most direct fashion,” he said. “Hymus Blvd. would do that.”

When pushed for an estimated budget for the project, city manager Robert Weemaes said it was impossible at this point to give an exact cost, but the estimate was anywhere from $500,000 to $700,000.

Trudeau said the first stage of the project, the building of a fence, would happen after Sept. 21 so that homeowners could enjoy their extended gardens for one more summer.

Brigadoon resident Jenny Parsons said building a fence on both sides of the bike path creates what she called an alleyway. She voiced concern about safety.

“Where I come from, nothing good happens in an alleyway,” Parsons said.

The mayor said those who want more direct access to the path will get a gate.

In the final moments of the back and forth, a glint of hope emerged when Brigadoon resident Jocelyne Proulx proposed a compromise which took both Trudeau and those opposed by surprise.

She suggested the residents be allowed to buy a portion of the land, so that not all the landscapin­g invested in over the years would be lost, but there could still be a bike path. She suggested 25 feet.

Trudeau countered with the suggestion of 15 feet.

“The amount of land is open for negotiatio­n,” Proulx said. “I would like to know if it is something you would consider?”

Trudeau said he would bring up her suggestion in caucus.

“It’s not something (our group) had even thought about,” Miller said of Proulx’s suggestion. “But we would be open to discussion­s.”

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